Theo and Brettski--good ones as usual. I'm working on my wit and quick retorts, but I just can't compete with the two of you.

Ewest--No secret handshake yet. But I imagine it going a little something like this--except without the beer.

Tom--To be honest with you, I first thought the people at school were a bunch of alcoholics or something. They kept talking about "the bar" like they were obsessed with it.

Dave--I'll be very nice to the consulting geologists. Attorneys need all the friends we can get to cancel out all the enemies we make! \:\)

Sunil--The jury is still out on that one, but I do appreciate your kind words.

"Only after sorrow's hand has bowed your head will life become truly real to you; then you will acquire the noble spirituality which intensifies the reality of life. I go to an all-powerful God. Beyond that I have no knowledge--no fear--only faith."