Originally Posted By: jakeb
Ewest does any of this help explain your exp with OTS CNBG feeding heavy in cold water? Or is that still an unexplained phenomenon?

Good question. I don't have an answer on that behavior. Those fish only stopped feeding like that for 2 weeks after we had 18 F low temps for 3 days ( 48-50 water temps). They started up the same feeding activity when temps went up to 52 F and are still eating like that. The fish were stocked in late Nov with the bigger fish at 5 inches. Upon close viewing at the feeder the bigger fish are now 8 inches. That is 3 inches of growth over 3 mths when cold water generally means no or little growth. I have not caught any yet and will not be doing so until after they spawn so I don't have positive measured data. Another measuring criteria is gape size - the bigger fish now easily eat AM 600 when thrown out.