Hey Eddie,
I do appreciate you staying on this. I'm taking it all into consideration. The monitor plan only came as a way to get ventilation and light into the second floor when I realized that a straight gable was very restrictive.
As goes many projects, this one has become a run-away train. If I go right back to the first spark and I was sitting down with an architect, I would tell him/her that I want a simple garage (2 - 3 car) and 1000 sq ft of living space. It has to maintain a secondary structure look because it will eventually be second fiddle to a nice retirement home parked 100 feet away from it. Strangely, I don't want it to be a centerpiece as much as a shrinking violet. Just a practical, nice looking, average structure that will look nice by itself, but not compete with a custom home that will arrive 10 or 15 years later.
The search continues...