
Victoria's aunt and uncle (who I think the world of) have a good friend who does amazing watercolor paintings. They built a studio / barn about an hour from our place. I didn't think of it until just now. You will get only a limited perspective from this picture, but I could get more information if you are inspired. The first floor is barn stalls and equipment storage and the upstairs is studio, although it would serve the purpose you are looking for. Studio Pictures

I don't think he would mind me sharing this information. It is all on their website. The work that he does is stunning. You just sit and stare at the canvas and swear it is a picture. You can see more at
John Fawcett Artist . You western guys should especially like his work.

Anyway, I digress again.

The building's one side has a taller door to suit a tractor, lots of windows, some of which you cannot see because his main studio is on the other side that overlooks the valley. Down side is that it may not meet your dollar figure. It was built by some Amish folk and is in itself a work of art. BTW - if you have any Amish craftsmen around that part of Illinois, it may be worth checking around regarding timber framing.

Last thought - I second Rad's point about designing the main home first. Something about cart before the horse...