GeoPond, I do not know if Prodiamine (barricade)is labled in Ga or not, It does have a low toxcity and stays put in the soil "however"all pesticide labels will state in the Enviromental Hazards section that they can be a problem if they enter the water, or reach a level beyond solubility.We use approx 12 tons per year impregnated on dry fertilizer of a 40% slow release with no P205 (18-0-7 with .29 Prodiamine) and a good share of it is applied around ponds and lakes with no problems.I apply it also to my own 7.5 acre lawn which has much of the watershed going into a small pond.My second choice would be "Dimension" and lastly Pendimethalin. Search to see if they are labeled in your state on your grass type.