Cat, that's a scary prospect, 100 + years! Sounds like those Galapagos tortoises! Shawn gives me more hope, my grass carp are triploids. I hope my story at least serves as a lesson to those who would just dump these plant-eating fish in their ponds without first consulting an expert or at least doing some serious homework.

I think I'm going to invite my neighbors to come shoot them. I'll also try harder this year to catch them. The bread on the hook idea might work. I was also thinking of trying canned corn on a hook. In any event, looks like I'll have to put up with greener, murkier water for years to come with no rooted vegetation.

PS. Thanks for your welcomes! I just subscribed to Pond Boss and was so impressed that I purchased many past issues. I went years as a subscriber to another, now defunct, publication thinking that it was the only one out there on the subject of ponds. It was woefully short on the latest scientific research. Pond Boss is appropriately named.