I have been very pleased with the results of stocking Tilapia each spring when the water temmp gets near 60 degrees. Usually around May 1st in NE Texas. I have a two acre pond and put in 20 pounds. I have had better results starting off with fewer but larger fish since they are prolific spawners and fast growing.

Look forward to November when they start schooling around the surface. Have had good success with a cast net. By harvest time this year most were in the 3 pound range and mighty good eating.

The real value of the talapia of course is forage for the LMB and keep the algae under control which they do an excellent job at.

At about $7.00 a pound for fillets in the store I figure I more than double my initial Spring investment in great fillets to get me through till the following November.

Subscriber since 2005.