
In addition to my primary pond I have a small pond around 1/6 acre in size, since the climate is tropical the Tilapia live to old age. In this pond Tilapia and numerous other local species were spawning and multiplying without my noticing any impact on fry recruitment, matter of fact the pond's fish were close to stunting from overpopulation. The addition of a few Peacock Bass brought an immediate halt to the overpopulation, but the point to be made is I don't think the Tilapia had much impact on the other fishes. Some of the local fishes that were in the pond prior to the introduction of the Peacocks's included small species such as a minature pike fish, Gourami's and a shad type fish each with growing populations. In an aquarium environment void of a Tilapia's natural diet I would think that some unnatural behavior traits may become more apparant.

Hate being on the opposite side of the world as my few posts always trail the ongoing discussions!
