Cindy's pond was finished a few weeks ago and I would like to find out what options are available for irrigating the annual rye I planted. There are no utilities near the site.

We had a two day period of rain which caused some ruts and helped the rye sprout. Now we're in a dry period and I'm concerned that the grass won't do much before the next rain. Without irrigation I'm afraid the ruts will grow faster than the grass.

The rain left water below the dam for about 1/4 of it's 800 ft length. At this point I'm picturing a small trash pump feeding a length of pvc pipe with a few impulse sprinkler heads. A pipe size between 1" and 1.5" would be best because in the future I will need this size pipe for another project. The back of the dam is about 40 feet from top to bottom.


Here's a pump: Pump

Last edited by GW; 10/29/08 03:26 PM.