Well, I got bit by the same quality control problem with the controller. I asked my wife, who was here at the pond for Gustov, to take the feeder down. I figured it should have been more than 1/2 empty. Having left Houston after Ike, I just set it for re-deployment. New schedule, do a test with a bucket in front so I can count the pellets and divide by 600 X 62%, to make sure that all feeding fish get at least 2 pellets. Count down, everything looks good on the panel; nothing happening, no noise from the gear, no motor running. Same problem all have stated, the motor control circuit is DOA. My fish have not been fed since probably early August, as the feeder still has 4 of the 5 gallons left in it. I'm sure I have lost at least 3 inches of growth due to this(if they were CSBG in the docs pond). I surmise that this quality issue was known before hand, thus the cheap price. Ashamed.. the feeder part is a nice conncept for feeding newly stocked fish in small ponds.