Originally Posted By: george1
Another geezer war story.....
WWII gasolene was rationed at 3 gallons a week - and we think we have it rough.
I would have traded my place of residence for the 3 gallons any day of the week...

What we need is the right leadership in this country to get us to all work together like they did for the war effort in WWII. Wind power, solar power, drill oil in the Gulf of Mexico which the Cubans and Chinese are already, and for God's sake use the God given ingenuity this country has to come up with cars that get better milage and run on alternative energy. Did anyone know here that Europe already has diesel trucks that get about 40 mpg (converted from kpgs)?

If I could afford it I'd produce my own power from wind and solar and then invest in an electric car when they are available that I could charge every night by just pluging it in. (I work at home so I don't drive anywhere very far.)

Instead of dumping money all over the world the government could be subsidzing the infrastructure here to do this.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 05/17/08 09:32 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.