I've decided to sell BioPods via the internet but I'm not sure what the best way to proceed might be. Is a blog with a PayPal link good enough? Does anyone recommend a particular blog site or is it better to set up my own? I've registered a domain name in case a unique website is better.

I'm willing to pay if that's what's necessary to get something going. If I go with a unique domain I would like the website management to be simple enough that I could update it with new reports and images.

I've set up one blogspot address using BlackSoldierFlyProject.blogspot, but I'm not sure I like that name. I chose it because that's the name of my BSF thread here at Pond Boss. That thread appears to be attracting the attention of people looking into BSF. I was thinking that MyBlackSoldierFlyProject seemed less pretentious, but maybe it's too long.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Last edited by GW; 05/12/08 06:40 PM.