I believe Cecil Baird aerates well water prior to release to his ponds. I think I want to do the same. Below is my rationale and situation. Hopefully some of the folks can validate and suggest a design.

I have a hard time with my trout over the summer because of rising water temps. Quarter acre pond, 9 feet deep. The 1/3 hp compressor aerates through membrane diffusers on the bottom. But of course this turns over the water column - so in July, August the whole pond gets to low to mid 70s F. So it's a tough situation. The high temps have little capacity to hold dissolved O2. But without the aeration, I end up with thermal layering and low DO anyway.

I'm thinking of digging a shallow non-culinary well looking for about 25-35 gpm for summer use. Water temps from the well would be about 45 deg f. I realize that is not a lot of flow, but hopefully would be enough to make a difference.

If I aerated before releasing it to the pond, I hope to have an oxygenated lower layer of cool water. I'd turn off the bottom membrane diffusers. And just oxygenate the cool well water. The bottom would be cool with good dissolved oxygen - hopefully. The top could warm up without much impact on trout health.

Is this what any obsessive-compulsive PBer would do? ...Someone with more dollars than sense?