As I'm sure most of you know Southern California is engulfed in fire. Mom and dad, and Sister and her spouse were forced out of their home yesterday due to mandatory fire evacuations. So as I sit here and post this morning I have a home full of six people and two dogs. So far my house is about 10 miles west of the fires but unfortunately it's heading this direction at an alarming pace.

Mom and Dad's home is in the greatest danger and is at this point surrounded by fire. Due to the horrible news coverage (the news is more interest in running a tape loop of homes burning and interviewing the man on the street than reporting anything useful) we are not at this point sure whether or not Mom and Dad actually have a home. Sister and spouse are in the same boat although they live in a rented place so the structure loss will not be their own.

Since the wind is blowing west the sky around my home is glowing orange and chunks of ash are falling everywhere. The ground looks like it has been snowing ash. The air quality is so bad that everyone is being advised to stay indoors. I had to make an emergency trip to the grocery store last night and most patrons were wearing face masks. It reminds me of a post-apocalyptic science fiction movie around here.

Family and their pets are all safe. Possessions can be replaced. I just hope my Dad doesn't have to face the proposition of rebuilding at age 81.

I'm beginning to not like October very much.

I'll keep you all posted as if can.......


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)