That I don't know on the pond turn over. I haven't seen it on my pond yet. If there are no other indicators....heavy wind, rain...that could have stirred the water up it could be that the pond has turned over.
3' low leaves you with a depth of?
turnover would require cooler water at the bottom of the pond so you would need to know where the thermocline is and if it's still present to check it. Anything is possible though.
1.5acre LMB, YP, BG, RES, GSH, Seasonal Tilapia I subscribe to Pond Boss Magazine
The second photo is from one month ago and is normally what the water looks like.
Pond is over 3' low due to our normal fall lack of rain.
Water temp has dropped about 10 degrees in the last week.
I checked Dissolved Oxygen today using a Monitor DO kit about 9:00 AM it was 8 PPM
What else do I need to do?
Fish feeding has slowed down tremendously. Seeing very few smaller fish eating but CC still cleaning everything up.
The pic from one month ago shows (to me) a whole bunch of abandoned bluegill beds. Typically when water temp is above 72°F, and the moon is going into the first quarter, the bluegill feeding activity will diminish as the males start concentrating on making beds in preparation for spawning. I bet that you will see Bluegill feeding activity resume around the 20th-23rd.
Pretty sure those are from GSF. Even though I stocked BG I think they were all eaten. I did not have any cover when they were stocked and up until I restocked a month ago I had never caught anything but GSF, YBH and CC. Me and the grandsons fish it often.
Here's another picture, one side of the pond has a shale bank and there's several beds.
LMB spawned as I have 2" LMB as well.
I purchased 2.2 tons of pea gravel and I'm adding it to areas where needed and cover to improve their habitat.
Last edited by Learninboutfish; 09/11/2405:50 PM.
2 Acre, Completed July 2022, CC,BG, Sept. 2022, LMB June 2023, 120 BG, 30 RES, 50 HBG all 4-6", 8 TGC 8-10", 1000 MF, Aug 2024, GSF, YBH washed in 2022.