50 lbs of feed/month in a 1.5 acre pond is not too much feed on face value, but you may have something else going on. Feed also converts to fish poo which can affect water quality.
Water turning 'dark red' is not good, so maybe you should stop feeding for a few days, and see what happens.
I don't know if there's a way to have the 'red' water tested to determine exactly what it is.
Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:" "She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."
Right now, my completely uneducated guess is that the insane amount of water that is running into the pond from the hill it is situated on is putting some sort of mineral in the water.
It hasn't rained in weeks and there is still water running into the water. I guess there could potentially be an underwater spring supplying the water
I really need to figure out what equipment is best used to keep a pond healthy. I did not know about the O2 meters until just now in another thread
Ill have to run up and turn the feeders off for a few days and what happens, thank you
I do not want a fish kill to be my fault because of lack of knowledge
Last edited by Bradley Goins; 09/05/2410:08 AM.
1.5-acre pond |Est: February 2024| LMB, BG, RES, FHM