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Just found out the plant/weed in my pond is Eurasian Water Milfoil, all over the pond. hard to feed the bluegills. Pond is only about 1/8 acre. Can anything be sprayed on the pond that will kill the plants and not harm the fish?
Thanks, people.
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Here's what I recommend you do.
Now, spray the area that you are feeding the fish at with Aquathol K or Aquathol Super K, then in February if the pond doesn't have flow through water I would treat the whole pond with a 10 PPB dose of Fluridone (Sonar A.S.)
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papereater |
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Thanks, essup. So, 10ppb , most people have no idea what that means but does that translate to a dilution of straight fluridone, say, from a bottle? In other words, if I buy this: many milliliters do I take of this stuff diluted to say. 1 liter? OR does this stuff already come ready to use, as 10ppb (almost watered down)? Also, I do already have triclopyr sitting in my garage. Could this be as good? Also, 10ppb?
Last edited by papereater; 08/22/24 04:35 PM.
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Thanks, essup. So, 10ppb , most people have no idea what that means but does that translate to a dilution of straight fluridone, say, from a bottle? In other words, if I buy this: many milliliters do I take of this stuff diluted to say. 1 liter? OR does this stuff already come ready to use, as 10ppb (almost watered down)? Also, I do already have triclopyr sitting in my garage. Could this be as good? Also, 10ppb? First you have to figure out your average pond depth and what size it is. "About" ain't gonna cut it. Pull up your pond on Google Earth and measure it's area. An acre foot of water is 325,851 gallons. A pond that is one surface acre in size, averages 5 foot depth. If you want to treat it to 10ppb dosage, you will need to add 4.32 Fl. Oz. of a fluridone product that has a strength of 41.7%
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papereater |
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Thanks, essup. So, 10ppb , most people have no idea what that means but does that translate to a dilution of straight fluridone, say, from a bottle? In other words, if I buy this: many milliliters do I take of this stuff diluted to say. 1 liter? OR does this stuff already come ready to use, as 10ppb (almost watered down)? Also, I do already have triclopyr sitting in my garage. Could this be as good? Also, 10ppb? First you have to figure out your average pond depth and what size it is. "About" ain't gonna cut it. Pull up your pond on Google Earth and measure it's area. An acre foot of water is 325,851 gallons. A pond that is one surface acre in size, averages 5 foot depth. If you want to treat it to 10ppb dosage, you will need to add 4.32 Fl. Oz. of a fluridone product that has a strength of 41.7% Thanks, essup, so that I am 100% clear on your example above, one would spray/apply 4.32 oz of 41.7% fluridone evenly to that entire pond's surface, right? So even though my eurasian weed is sub surface and will not be contacted directly with the spray, eventually the fluridone dissolves into the water, and kills the plant that way?
Last edited by papereater; 08/31/24 01:53 PM.
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Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent Lunker
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You don't have to spray over the whole pond surface. In the example above, you can dilute the 4.32 fl. oz. in say 5 gal water and dump it out in a few spots in a pond, I have dumped fluridone into the aeration diffuser plume and that has spread it out over the pond. No, triclopyr is not the same as fluridone.
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