1.) Open an Imgur account. (It's free!)
You can click on this:
Link to Imgur account start page.2.) Add your images to your Imgur account.
You can choose to post your images "To Community" and have them viewable by the public on Imgur. Or you can post them as "Hidden". I have my photos hosted at Imgur under the "Hidden" category.
Use of the Hidden category means that YOU can then publicly share any photos that you choose on Pond Boss forum (or any other public forum).3.) When you are ready to insert a photo at Pond Boss, start at your Imgur account.
With your photo open, click on the "Meatballs Menu" icon (the three horizontal dots).
Click the "Get share links" option.
Click the green "Copy Link" button for BBCode (Forums), which should be the third option.
4A.) Start typing your post in a "New Thread" window on Pond Boss.
When you are ready to insert a photo, simply click on the "Insert Image Link" icon. (It is the landscape photo with a blue sky background.)
A small pop-up window should then open. Click "Ctrl-V" to paste your link from Imgur. Then click the blue "OK" button.
Finish typing up the rest of your new post.
4B.) To post a photo in the "Quick Reply" window under an existing thread, you must take two additional steps!
Start typing your reply.
When you are ready to insert a photo, you must first click on the blue "Use Full Editor" button to make available the image posting option.
After opening the full editor, the cursor will jump back to the start of your reply. Make sure you left-click on your post to re-position the cursor in the correct place you wish to insert your photo.
Now to insert your photo, simply click on the "Insert Image Link" icon. (It is the landscape photo with a blue sky background.)
A small pop-up window should then open. Click "Ctrl-V" to paste your link from Imgur. Then click the blue "OK" button.
Finish typing up the rest of your new post.
5.) There is a small glitch in this process! Imgur adds image tags to your photo, AND the Pond Boss "Insert Image Link" function also adds image tags.
YOU MUST EDIT YOUR LINK PRIOR TO POSTING YOUR PHOTO.Your link should look something like: [img][img]
You must delete one of the [/img] tags that is typed in front of the imgur link, and you must delete one of the [/img] tags that is typed behind your imgur link.
6.) When you have your post finalized, click the blue "Preview New Thread" button at the bottom (or click the blue "Preview Reply" button).
If you did everything correctly AND the forum is currently posting photos correctly, then your photo should be displayed in the preview!
You should then be able to hit the post button and your image will be posted to Pond Boss.
If your photo did not display in the preview, then re-read the instructions above and determine if you made an error. If you cannot find any error on your part, then the forum itself is having a problem posting photos. (When you see others posting photos again on Pond Boss, you should probably try again to post your photos.)
P.S. I want to keep this thread as "clean" as possible for new members. If you see any errors on my part, or wish to add any clarifications, then please reply in my other new thread in the Help sub-forum: "Posting Photos - Comments". We can then make edits as needed to my post above!