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If them boys are like my BCP they don’t spawn at all. I have read numerous articles that BCP are better for small ponds than WCP, presumably for the lower reproduction rate. Pat, are you getting zero spawning in your 5-acre pond? If so, any special conditions to that pond?
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I have a 6acre pond with at least an acre of flooded timber an brush. From what I can tell there have been one successful spawn since 2014 and you could catch them anywhere you fished. Now hardly any at all. Have had them taken off my line by large lmb more than once. There is many bg that surround BCP trying to spawn. The bg also have been doing it to LMB also. They are definitely not overbreeding here or in many ponds in my area
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Thanks for that reply.
It sounds like you have an awesome fishery.
It is also interesting that you believe it is the BG population in your pond that is slurping up the BCP fry rather than the small bass. And then any crappie that make it to medium size are targeted by your large LMB.
Do you catch any large BCP in your pond these days?
Every now and then, there are new posts on Pond Boss from people that want to make a crappie fishery in a small pond. Most of the replies indicate their plan is unlikely to work in their pond.
Do you think crappie stocking in a BG heavy pond could create a good crappie fishery? I am envisioning something like stocking 3-4" crappie (that are beyond the mouth gape of the BG) every few years.
The complication would be what large predator is in the pond to control the BG numbers, and how that predator would interact with the crappie. (Maybe CC would target the BG niche in the pond more than the crappie niche?)
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Rod I have CC and BC also. Biggest caught is about 8#. I don’t think the BCP make it long enough to be yoy due to bg harassment to the egg laying process of the crappie. Haven’t seen any groups of lmb fry either also due to bg interaction, have actually seen this happening all over the pond both with LMB and BCP . Have removed some LMB up to 10 # and put them in neighbors pond ( with his blessings). Since BCP yoy migrate to open water if they make it that far then LMB 10-12” would work them over. When feeder goes off there are thousands of bg there. 18 seconds of feed is gone when feed stops Hitting the water
Last edited by Pat Williamson; 05/20/22 11:44 AM.
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Pat, Thanks for adding all of that extra information! As I said above, sounds like you have an awesome fishery. I think most of the LMB people on the forum would love to have to cull 10# LMB to their neighbors' ponds! When feeder goes off there are thousands of bg there. 18 seconds of feed is gone when feed stops Hitting the water That is a great quote for people to gauge the BG population of your pond. I hope y'all have some great fishing there as you finish out May and early June!
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Lower reproduction rate, hybrid vigor in regards to growth. Thanks esshup. Do the subsequent generations after the F1 hybrids experience slower growth and vigor in crappie? If so, should a pond owner subsequently cull all small crappie in hand that are certainly not of the original hybrid stocking? Further, should the pond owner plan on some type of ladder stocking scenario if they intend to create a hybrid crappie fishery? Although it’ll take some time, I’ll keep reporting back on these Hybrid Crappie and see the results. I think the challenge will be keeping them fed consistently unless they luckily convert to feed. At some point I’ll add some GSH to the mix and hopefully some different minnow breeds that sustain better like BNM.
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Lower reproduction rate, hybrid vigor in regards to growth. Thanks esshup. Do the subsequent generations after the F1 hybrids experience slower growth and vigor in crappie? If so, should a pond owner subsequently cull all small crappie in hand that are certainly not of the original hybrid stocking? Further, should the pond owner plan on some type of ladder stocking scenario if they intend to create a hybrid crappie fishery? Good questions. I don't have enough experience over time with them to answer those questions. I would cull small crappie no matter what the genetics though. This is only the 5th year that we're stocking them, I will have to go back and talk to the customers that stocked them 4-5 years ago to see what they are seeing in their ponds. I know that if there is sufficient forage in the pond, they grow FAST. 4" fish can be 12" in a year. These have the black stripe on their nose, so you can tell which ones that they are. I'll ask to see if the offspring have the black stripe too.
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Lower reproduction rate, hybrid vigor in regards to growth. Thanks esshup. Do the subsequent generations after the F1 hybrids experience slower growth and vigor in crappie? If so, should a pond owner subsequently cull all small crappie in hand that are certainly not of the original hybrid stocking? Further, should the pond owner plan on some type of ladder stocking scenario if they intend to create a hybrid crappie fishery? Although it’ll take some time, I’ll keep reporting back on these Hybrid Crappie and see the results. I think the challenge will be keeping them fed consistently unless they luckily convert to feed. At some point I’ll add some GSH to the mix and hopefully some different minnow breeds that sustain better like BNM. Tyler, last year when I held some in the holding tanks about 60%-70% converted to feeding on floating pellets, Optimal BG Junior was what I was feeding.
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After finally tasting crappie last weekend, the thought of these hybrid crappie in the pond kinda makes me drool, but I think I'll have my hands full enough with trying to make HBG/RES/YP/SMB work in my little pond.
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Picture updates The stocked fish are doing great. Perch and hitting feed well, but only in the late evenings. It appears some of the hybrid crappie are raising and hitting the pellets too. I’ve got loads of FHM fry around the banks and the RES have been hunting them down sitting right on the bank swooping in and taking bites. Very fun to watch! I’ve added a 6’ tall cedar tree to one corner, and also added a series of milk crates zip tied together with my spider army to help protect some of the forage. I also planted lots of plants yesterday. After digging back in time on the forums I found a ton of advise. I planted several dwarf hybrid water lilies in buckets, some blue pickerel weed in pots, some blue flag iris in pots, as well as some spiral eelgrass (vallisneria) and dwarf Sagittaria as well. I did plant both in trays and some of the spiral eel grass in the pond bottom. I’m really hoping these take off as I imagine they will make great cover for the forage. Hoping to keep working on my structure and density to help promote the sustainability of forage. Ultimately my goal is to sein some BNM in a local creek and get them established before I introduce any HSB. At this point I think I’ll be best served to have a handful of HSB in the 12-18” range and will remove them once they are too large to help balance this system. Bill Cody had made that suggestion earlier in this thread. They hopefully will keep the Hybrid Crappie spawn in check, and I’ll help manage perch by harvesting myself as well. It’s been great watching all the life come too in this small pond!
Last edited by tylerd1994; 06/05/22 08:37 PM.
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Great plan, great pics!
I hope it keeps coming together well.
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Hello folks! Fish are eating and growing... My corkscrew vallisneria is growing really well too! It has doubled in a few short months.
Last edited by tylerd1994; 07/20/22 07:03 PM.
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My experience with corkscrew is it grows very well in summer. It's growth problem is surviving northern winter ice conditions. I hope your corkscrew survives for you to sprout and grow next spring. Keep us advised.
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Decided to catch one of my perch to see how they were doing. Seems healthy and eating! I do have a leak in my pond. I’ve been speaking with TJ and taking measurements all summer. I think the likely issue is with improper compaction on the overflow stovepipe. My contractor is coming back out to take a look. Hopefully we can get it sealed properly. My water level is at the bottom of the 90 on the stovepipe he installed, so I think that is where water is leaving.
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Stocked 12 6-8” HSB this week. I noticed 2 died during the ride home so really only 10. They are already ferociously feeding on feed. I have thousands of FHM swimming around so I think my forage base is OK for winter for now. Will supplement this spring with more FHM and GSH if I need to. I just figured GSH might be a wash if they hammer my YP eggs/fry. The Hybrid BCP are seeing good growth rates. This one is 6” and they were stocked in May @ 2-4” It appears they are taking a liking to Optimal BG YP growing great as well. I’ve caught them at 8”, and they were stocked in March @ 4-6” Haven’t put my eyes on any of the RES yet unfortunately
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gehajake, FishinRod |
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Just caught plumb 9.5" perch this evening. I love the growth rate! They were stocked @ mainly 4-5" in the spring.
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None of the links work for me in the last 2 posts before today's update.
Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:" "She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."
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Sunil - Links work for my computer.
aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine - America's Journal of Pond Management
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Tyler, I'm glad to see that they are doing well. Fish near the bottom with a pink 1/32 oz jig head with a piece of night crawler on it for the RES.
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tylerd1994 |
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The links now seem to work on my laptop.
Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:" "She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."
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tylerd1994 |
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Here's a photo of the 9.5" perch. My father did some more sampling last night and caught perch from 6-8". I'm supposing the larger specimens are the well fed females. Excited to see some ribbons next spring! have a good reference for relative weight and YP? Also anyone have any good ideas about harvesting them with HSB present? The hope would be able to harvest a mess or two of YP each year once established, I wasn't sure if anyone had reccomendations on a harvest rate if there is a succesful spawn. I assume it may be dependent on how well the spawn does, and how many fingerlings survive predation.
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Posts: 78 Likes: 20 | are growing well. I do have a large range in size from about 6-10” Hybrid Crappie growing well and are beautiful with the black stripe. No RES caught yet but haven’t targeted too hard, it’s hard to keep the YP off your line fishing near the bottom.
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Posts: 3,965 Likes: 191 | are growing well. I do have a large range in size from about 6-10” Hybrid Crappie growing well and are beautiful with the black stripe. No RES caught yet but haven’t targeted too hard, it’s hard to keep the YP off your line fishing near the bottom. Black stripe and on nose is in my opinion is just a black crappie. I have lots of those and they are black crappie that I think originally came from Arkansas… someone please correct me if I’m mistaken
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Posts: 28,830 Likes: 929 | are growing well. I do have a large range in size from about 6-10” Hybrid Crappie growing well and are beautiful with the black stripe. No RES caught yet but haven’t targeted too hard, it’s hard to keep the YP off your line fishing near the bottom. Black stripe and on nose is in my opinion is just a black crappie. I have lots of those and they are black crappie that I think originally came from Arkansas… someone please correct me if I’m mistaken These were sourced in Arkansas, but they are a cross between black and white crappie. We put some in a customers pond 2 years ago and he's caught a few this year that were 15" long, but the majority of them were in the 12" range. He has a self sustaining and reproducing population of Golden Shiners and he feeds Optimal Bluegill/Bass food.
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Esshup that is strange, all the reading I have done says that the black nose crappie is not a hybrid…. Unless recently they crossed the black nosed BCP with a white crappie and the offspring some had the black stripe. Would be very interesting to know
Moderated by Bill Cody, Bruce Condello, catmandoo, Chris Steelman, Dave Davidson1, esshup, ewest, FireIsHot, Omaha, Sunil, teehjaeh57