I still maintain that this validates my philosophy. Anytime you depend upon anyone else, you put yourself at their mercy. Certainly we all rely on others, everyday, but we should take strides to place as much as possible under our direct control. It may not be cheap or easy, but it is very satisfying.
My business and personal philosophy for years.
I agree, that is why I am starting medical school, a blacksmithing class, a welding class, and in my spare time, law school. These skills should go well with my degree in CS as well as my tactical background. Sure glad I have all my land to grow my own food and my own pond to grow my fish, lobster, crab, squid, and all the other tasty treats. Then, in my spare time as well, I plan on building my own roads, and a space program to explore with. I knew I could do it alone.
Okay, satire complete, we can't do it alone. But we can do more. I doubt many here could host their own site and keep up with all the patches and updates, not to mention hardware requirements and networking issues. That is why S3 is there. And that is why all the other professionals exist as well. We take for granted the things we want and value the things we do because we understand the efforts we go through. I for one understand a lot about the complexity of our society, and I am grateful for the professionals I work with in all areas of my life.
Now its off to the doctor for my annual physical.
The one thing is the one thing A dry fly catches no fish Try not to be THAT 10%
Why isn't the forum compatible with 8-track players:) Where is the hitching post? Self sufficiency is a relative concept. Its a myth for most folks, especially those with a life that includes computers.
"As much as possible", being the key phrase here.
Seeing how this is Amish country down here, we DO still have hitching posts, RAH.
Everything within reason. I know that doesn't sit well with those who only see black and white in every situation, but that's how the real world works. As much as possible, do for yourself without relying on someone else.
"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"
If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1) And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1) Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT? PB answer: It depends.
I just added this pic above and did not use anything other then the File manager provided on this site. It's not difficult once you do it a couple times.
The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!
How to add a picture without photobucket. Ok I'll try to explain this best I can.
1. You must switch to Full Reply Screen below. 2. Then click on File Manager. 3. Then click on Browse to find your picture. 4. Then just highlight file you want and click on open. You should see the path in the path area next to the browse button now. 5. Click on Add File next to the browse button. 6. Click on Done adding files. Keep in mind it wont show you the link until you click summit once your done typing. 7. Click on the submit button below. You will then have just the link but wait there's more!! lol 8 Now that you have the link right click on it and go to properties. 9. Highlight the entire area where it says Address and URL right click on it and select copy. 10 Re-edit your post then in the area where you type put this in there below. After the first IMG right click and paste your Address / URL in that you just copied.
Practicing my "RC 10 Step Method" for posting photos...
OK, after a few tries, I got it! Thanks RC, fantastic. My biggest hurdle was realizing the importance of the "/" in the last "[/IMG]" string. Who needs photob#cket when you have an IT guy like RC.
RC, is there an easy way to get pics down below the 2MB limit? I've been sending pics from my iPhone to my email account, then transferring them back to my iPhone pictures. When I email them, I get the option (sometimes) to send them at a reduced size. I would think there would be an easier way..
10 yr old pond, 1 ac, 15' deep. RES, YP, GS, FHM (no longer), HBG (decreasing), SMB, and HSB (only two have been seen in 5 yrs) I think that's about all I should put in my little pond. Otter attack in 2023.
Well I am not a iphone guy so not real sure how it works with one. On my Android I have a crop or a resize function in the edit area of a picture.
On my computer I use the simple Microsoft paint software. If you open with paint on the menu bar you have a resize option. All you have to do is change the percentage size in the Horizontal and Vertical boxes from 100 percent to say 50 percent and it will automatically resize pic for you. If your still not sure how big it is you can resave it and then right click on it and go to properties and it will show you the new size of the picture.
If I remember correctly the forum only allows up to 10 pics or 2 megs of pics in one post. Unless that's changed I believe that's what it is.
Hope this helps RC
The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!
Ok, thx. If my iPhone could somehow tell me the size of the pic, after I reduced its size, I'd be a happy camper. I imagine there's a way to find that info, but I have no idea how or where to find it.
And stop posting pics of your HSB! I don't like being reminded of my inadequacies. My HSB are uncatchable. At least, that's what I tell myself.
Last edited by SetterGuy; 07/17/1701:43 PM.
10 yr old pond, 1 ac, 15' deep. RES, YP, GS, FHM (no longer), HBG (decreasing), SMB, and HSB (only two have been seen in 5 yrs) I think that's about all I should put in my little pond. Otter attack in 2023.
There is also an image resizer powertoy for windows. Just type image resizer powertoy in a google search. Its a microsoft product and free. Download it and you'll see it when you right click on an image. All you have to do is right click on an image and resize to wherever you want. Its pretty handy. Just the way I have always resized for the forums I'm on.
I used to use photobucket and one other site but quit years ago and have always uploaded pics like RC said. Its really the way to go and your photos aren't floating on some cloud somewhere, they are on your hardware...may it be pc, droid phone, or iphone or whatever.
I guess it's about what we deem as important. Those Amish I spoke of earlier don't seem to care much for tactical training, law degrees, or the space program. And still they survive.
"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"
If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1) And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1) Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT? PB answer: It depends.
I like to read on this forum... but cannot open any of the photo bucket pictures you guys post... figured it was something I was doing wrong.... maybe not?
I like to read on this forum... but cannot open any of the photo bucket pictures you guys post... figured it was something I was doing wrong.... maybe not?
Nope, it's not you, Photobucket changed their Terms of Service. Now they want $399/year to allow 3ed party image hosting, and it seems that they are not grandfathering in any of the 100's of thousands or millions of photos on the internet already. Many of us, myself included will NOT pay them their ransom money.
Just thinking out loud here but maybe my 10 step picture process in this post shouldn't get lost in the shuffle. Others will want to see it and try using it I'm sure. Although that's not up to me but just a thought...
The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!