So I've bought into the 'if you feed them, they will grow' mantra - and based on that I've been spending a little cash on stocking forage the last few years.

The last 2 years I've tried the Anderson Minnows 250k GSH fry in a box deal. Stocked a box full last year and it seems to have helped my growth. No definitive proof but I seem to have caught more high RWE fish this past year than in years past, compared to lower RWE.

Based on that I went ahead and ordered 2 boxes this spring. They showed up last week - box 1 was full of itsy bitsy swimming fry - a whole bunch of them. I went ahead and acclimatized them as recommended by the folks at Anderson (same as last year) and turned them loose.

Unfortunately box 2 was all dead. All the little fry were white and not moving. Not sure why one box made it and the other one didn't.

But never fear - I called and Becky shipped me another box out straight away - box 3 looked just like box 1 - full of itty bitty swimmers.

So my review is Anderson Minnows stands behind their products, or at least they sure did for me!


[Linked Image from]

"When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water." - anonymous