Attending Bob's Pondology and was hoping to hit Overton's (never been there). Is their on-site sales open Sunday and/or Monday? It's a haul from there to San Antonio, but I'd like to get some stock (those Tilapia snacks look pretty good!)
Their website shows that Sunday and Monday are the two days they are closed, but it is worth calling them to ask. I know their actual hours have changed and the website has not been updated.
I had a group of friends over this past Sunday and all the kids had a ball fishing with earth worms and bobbers. There were 7 kids there all under 10 and each of them caught at lest one fish with the most avid of the bunch catching 17 BG. Two of them caught something bigger than their Zebco's could handle (probably HSB) but two of them were able to get their HSB to the bank after fighting them for several minutes. The biggest fish are seen in the pictures below.