Hi guys! Last summer I moved into a rural subdivision that has a 10 acre shared lot with a 1.25 acre pond in dire need of management. I've been appointed to restore the lake back to its former glory. The pond is on a dammed creek flowing through a deep ravine surrounded by old growth woods - untouched river bluff land. The upper pond (not part of the subdivision) was dammed in the late 1960's and my pond (lower) in the early 1970's.
Here are the details:
1.25 acre pond, 13' max depth
Downstream face of dam is over 50' high
Eutrophic - 6-8' max visibility, submerged and emergent vegitation in the summer time
Cover - there is a very large deadfall in the upper end of the pond, the remainder is nearly featureless
Siltation - there is a decently sized stream/spring feeding the pond from the southeast which has silted in a rather large delta/peninsula over the years.
The run off from the upper pond has created a marsh/bog at the inlet to the lower pond
Upper pond is 1.37 acres, unknown depth
The pond used to support (25 years ago) a great population of large bluegills, decent crappies and a few decent bass over 4lbs.
I've fished the pond quite a few times in the last 6 months and have only caught stunted bluegills (4-5") and crappies (4-6") with the occasional 8-10" yellow bullhead
The pond is frequented by a couple of GBH's during the warm months
Trees have overcome the dam and need to be removed asap
Here are some pictures:
Upper pond is top right, lower is bottom left

summertime, near dam looking toward inlet

sediment peninsula to the right, upper pond dam in the background

looking towards the tree covered dam