A 10lb bass needs to eat 5lbs of BG to maintain weight and needs to eat 5lbs more to gain 1lb. (I learned that at PondBoss
I am guessing that this relationship is mostly linear for sexualy mature bass. You could also figure that fish should eat 2%-3% of thier body wieght a day for maximum growth. (That is the general feeding suggestion for aquaculture)
But, the number of BG or Green sunfish in your pond doesn't depend on the number of bass but rather the productivity of the pond. The greener the water the more productive the pond, the algae = more zooplankton = more sunfish = more bass. One way to figure out how many pounds of bass you can have is to figure out how many pounds of pytoplankton you have. Figure that 99% of the mass is lost every time its eaten.
1,000lbs of algae x 1% = 10lbs Zooplankton
10lbs Zooplankton x 1% = .1lb Sunfish
.1LB sunfish x 1% = .001Lb Bass production
You can add to this process by feeding your BG or fertalizing your pond.
I would stock BG or Tilapia (those eat lower on the food chain than sunfish) if leagal. I would go with adult BG seeing as you have an established bass population. And I would go fairly dense, if you don't care about cathcing BG. Good luck.