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Moderator Lunker
Moderator Lunker
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What's your favorite species of fish in your pond(s)? What other species of fish do you have?
Recent discussions on some relatively uncommon (here at PB) species of fish have given me the urge to pole forum members and compile a list of what species of fish we have, used to have, or want to have in our ponds, and which fish is our favorite. So list your fish for me, if you care to, putting your favorite species in the #1 position. If you used to have a pond, but are currently without, provide me with info from the past. If you haven't got your pond built or stocked yet, answer from your best current plans. (Once a Pondmeister, always a Pondmeister - even if that once hasn't happened yet!)
I'll collect data for a week, then count it all up and run a thorough ( :rolleyes: ) statistical analysis, providing all the detail I feel like. I notice that this exercise may also give us some practice with or at least discussion about standardized acronyms.
Here's my answer:
1. BLUEGILL! (BG) 2. RES 3. LMB 4. HBG 5. CC 6. GShiner 7. Grass Carp (GC) 8. Fathead Minnow (FHMinnow) 9. HSB (one) 10. Mosquito Fish/Gambusia
"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever." -S. M. Stirling
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1. LMB 2. CC 3. BG 4. Green sunfish
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1. LMB 2. SMB ??? not sure if any have survived the LMB 3. BG 4. CC 5. GC
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The following are ALL species stocked in our ponds, in order of preference: 1. HSB 2 LMB :rolleyes: 3. BG 4. RES 5. Tilapia 6. Grass Carp 7. CC 
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Theo, In order of preference. 1. HSB 2. Rainbow Trout (RT) 3. YP :p 4. LMB 5. BG 6. Brown Trout (BT) 7. GC (grass carp) 8. Fathead Minnows (FM) This should be interesting! Ed
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Moderator Hall of Fame 2014  Lunker
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Theo :
In ponds :
1. LMB 2. RES 3. BG/CNBG 4. CC 5. W. Crappie 6. various minnows
Oxbow lakes:
1. LMB 2. Crappie- both 3. BG 4. HSB 5. other lepomis 6. white bass 7. spoon bill/paddlefish 6. catfish -CC- Fl.H- Blue- mud- bullheads 7. Shad - both 8. Chain Pickerel 9. Carp/Buffalo - several 10. gar longnose gator spotted 11. bowfin 12. various other fish and minnows
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Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent Hall of Fame 2014  Lunker
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1) SMB 2) LMB 3) HSB 4) Yellow Perch 5) Black Crappie 6) Rock Bass 7) Bluegill 8) Channel Cats 9) Grass Carp 10) Brown Bullheads 11) Golden Shiners 12) Fathead Minnows 13) Suckers 14) Creek Chubs
All are existing in my pond. Two years ago, I put in (5) Rainbow Trout, (5) Brown Trout, and (5) Brook Trout. I don't have them listed because other than a week after stocking, I never saw them again.
I will be adding a few larger walleye in the next few weeks.
Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:" "She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."
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Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent  Lunker
Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent  Lunker
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1. BG 2. HSB 3. RES 4. YP 5. SMB (used to have) 6. BG X RES (want to have) 7. LMB (have one) 8. GC (have, but don't fish for)
Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.
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1.SMB 2.LMB 3.WALLEYE 4.YP 5.HSB 6.HBG(bummer) 7.BG 8.RES 9.CC 10.GS 11.FH
i only wanted to have some fun
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1. LMB 2. BG 3. Bullhead
I like the minnows too.
Pretty original Huh?
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1. LMB 2. Y Perch 3. Chain Pickerel (only shot @ Cecils webpage) 4. Bluegill 5. Ch Cats 6. Other asst sunnies 7. GShiners 8. Fatheads
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1. Rainbow Trout 2. Channel Catfish 3. Brown Trout (only have about 10 and have yet to catch one) 4. Fathead Minnows!!!! 5. Waterdogs (local species) 6. Crayfish
Forage Tank: 1. Fathead Minnows!!!! 2. Waterdogs 3. Crayfish
- Jighead
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Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent Lunker
Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent Lunker
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Present: 1.Y Perch 2 Bgill, males 3.Saugeye 4.Bluntnose minnow 5.Spotfin Shiner All serve a good purpose
Past: Stocked and observed pond behavior. Not in order of favorite. Goals will determine your favorite. Consider that your favorite fish might really be a forage fish because it produces the goal - a predator.
1.Bgill 2.Pumpkinseed 3.RES 4.GS 5.HBG 6.Black Crappie 7.Rock Bass 8.LMB 9.SMB 10.HSB 11.N.Pike 12.Walleye 13.Rainbow trout 14.Yellow Bullhead 15.C catfish 16Johnny Darter 17.Creek Chubs 18.Golden Shiner 19.Common Shiner 20.Emerald Shiner 21.Redfin Shiner 22.Steelcolor Shiner 23.Fatheads 24.Mud Minnow 25.Brook Silversides 26.Mosquitofish 27.Blackstripe Topminnow 28.Grass Carp 29.Carp 30.Quillback 31.Common Sucker
aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine - America's Journal of Pond Management
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1. Fried shrimp 2. Boiled shrimp 3. Blackened shrimp 4. shrimp scampi 5. Sauteed shrimp 6. shrimp on a stick 7. shrimp boulette 8. calamari, scallops, and a few crab legs for good measure.  Were we suppose to stick with freshwater only? Sorry! I dissect too many of those to actually eat them. Ok I will leave out my Bubba Gump opinion above and go with: 1. GG (taste like butter) 2. HSB (fight hard) 3. Gambusia (females give live birth every 28 plus days, and I gotta respect that) 4. Grass Carp (they are just a lot of fun to watch) 5. Channel cats (In small numbers they can add a balance to the pond)
Do fish actually kiss?
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SmB (Smallmouth Bass) YP (Yellow Perch) Wal (Walleye) BrkT (Brook Trout) CtT (Cutthroat Trout) WVGT (West Va. Golden Trout [Red Eyed]) BrnT (Brown Trout) FhM (Fathead Minnow) GmbM (Mosquitofish) GrsS (Grass Shrimp)
Wish List: (Top 5)
Ca. Golden Trout Musky Pike Alagator Gar Numerous local minnows
Pond Boss Subscriber & Books Owner
If you can read this ... thank a teacher. Since it's in english ... thank our military! Ric
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3/4 acre pond. 60 gallon per minute flow. completed Dec 2004. Depth is 6" to 9' with average depth approximately 5 feet.
1. Coppernoise BG 1-2" stocked March 2005 2. Redear 1-2" March 2005 3. Channel Cat 2-3" March 2005 4. Fathead Minnows 1" March 2005 5. Channel Cat 4-5" June 2005 6. Georgia Giants 3-4" January 2006 7. Grass Carp 4-5" January 2006 8. F1 LMB 5-6" Febuary 2006
Supplimental feeding. Favorite eating fish is catfish then BG/Redear. Love to catch LMB.
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Moderator Lunker
Moderator Lunker
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Looks like Bill Cody or ewest are gonna set the width of the spreadsheet I use to total all this. 
"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever." -S. M. Stirling
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Theo, would it be possible to analyze fish species by region on a separate display?
When I look through the list of preferred species it is somewhat confusing to mix northern with southern species.
Very interesting project.
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George: I think I can separate based on members' stated locations, but I also want to do a consolidated PB "What are we interested in?" look. Right now I'm taking a break from data entry, contemplating exactly how to best handle Cody's 400 different species. I may use three regions: Northern, Southern, and Malinta, Ohio. 
"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever." -S. M. Stirling
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1) Yellow Perch ( Good Eating and fun for Kids ) 2) Small Mouth Bass ( love for play and watching ) 3) Fat Head Minnows ( love watching them ) 4) Crayfish ( Need for above ) 5) Rainbow Trout ( Showed up from creek ) 6) Walleye ( love them but showed up ) 7) Golden Shiners ( A few showed up ) 8) Threadfin shad ( A few showed up )
Now interesting considering I only put in Fatheads and YP and SMB. Mother nature and creeks and birds do wonders to diversify life in the pond.
--------------------------------- 1/10 - 1/4 acre pond plus 16 ft deep/ Plus 40 ft by 20 ft by 6 ft deep koi and fathead minnow pond next to it. Upstate NY
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These are the species in our lake from my most favorite to least useful.
1) SMB 2) HSB 3) HBG 4) BG 5) rock bass 6) LMB 7) black crappie 8) white crappie 9) walleye 10) CC 11) white bass 12) goldeye 13) white sucker 14) freshwater drum 15) pumpkinseed 16) sauger 17) shorthead redhorse 18) green sunfish 19) yellow perch 20) sterile grass carp
To this list, I hope to add paddlefish and grass pickeral this summer.
Of small species, I think that only tadpole madtoms have probably survived but there might be some sticklebacks left.
Norm Kopecky
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Anybody else want to chime in?
"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever." -S. M. Stirling
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1. Largemouth Bass 2. Crappies 3. Channel Catfish 4. Bluegill 5. Yellow Perch
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Species that are in rundown pond.
Ictalurus melas(Ameiurus melas)
Also, possibly Lepomis macrochirus
And I have seen Canis familiaris swimming in there, also.
To Dam or not to dam That isn't even a question
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Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent  Lunker
Moderator Ambassador Field Correspondent  Lunker
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1. Bullies 2. Bloogies 3. Puppies
Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.
Moderated by Bill Cody, Bruce Condello, catmandoo, Chris Steelman, Dave Davidson1, esshup, ewest, FireIsHot, Omaha, Sunil, teehjaeh57
New pond
by Bill Cody - 02/04/25 07:08 PM
by PAfarmPondPGH69, October 22