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I was wondering how much damage a hillbilly on a farm tractor could do to a creek. I was born and grew up on this 50 acre farm. I have envisioned a small pond (maybe 0.192 acre) behind the house that is fed by a spring flowing maybe 12 gallons an hour all year long. What I'd like to do is clean the area for a dam and then push the clay from the field...this accomplishes a few things... 1) Levels the field 2) Builds a road to that field 3) Makes my pond I have been reading posts and checking other sources for information...I can't afford a contractor and really can't afford to rent any equipment. I probably can't afford the overflow pipe! I am a do it yourself kind of guy so good ol' Uncle Sam is not an option. I've experienced what happens when the government gets involved with this little bit of turns into hell. It was the USDA that told us to plant Autumn Olive and Multiflora Rose...we did....and now it has taken over the place. I've worked nonstop for 3 weeks just trying to clear it from a 2 acre field. As far as compaction for the core trench, I was going to use a huge water tank, fill it and pull it behind the tractor. There are outcroppings of rock in the hollow where the water would be but the entire area is clay. Will the outcroppings pose a problem? I have wanted a pond there since I was knee high to a grasshopper. After leaving my beloved home for 10 years to play soldier and an honorable discharge, I'm home. This is my gift to my family for putting up with me for the last 10 years. It's also a gift to myself... I'll try to get some pics of the place and post them as well...if my camera will start working. What do you think? Any input from you guys will really help me. JUST PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I CAN'T DO IT!!! I know I'm nuts already so you don't have to tell me that... 
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Canis, How big a tractor? How high will the dam be to make your 0.192 acre pond? The rocks could cause a problem, maybe, maybe not. If they extend thru the clay into sandy soil or gravel water will most likely seep out. Or it may only seep untill it hits clay again & stop. No way to know. If water is not seeping out around the rocks now then you're probably ok.
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If you can read this ... thank a teacher. Since it's in english ... thank our military! Ric
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It's a Massey Ferguson 1040 4x4. There's water dripping off the rocks into the hollow...I'm guessing from water from higher levels. There's a few constant wet areas that encircle the hollow. I started plowing where I want to take the dam material from. I'll then use a grader blade to scrape off the topsoil to get to the good rich clay under it...probably about 12 inches down.
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Canis, How will you dig the core trench? Your tractor isn't big enough to do much compacting. Hopefully your dam won't be very high. Good luck. Hopefully someone else will advise. I'm headed to Alabama chaseing turkeys.
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If you can read this ... thank a teacher. Since it's in english ... thank our military! Ric
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Ric...Best of luck with the gobblers! I've got quite a flock on the farm but I'm letting them live this year? They better watch out!
As far as the core trench goes...I've never been afraid of hard work with a shovel and a pick...guys...I'm very serious here...I'll dig it with a spoon. Compacting...I got a tamper for $125 a week...will that work?
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Here's a pic of the proposed dam site:
Basically, the dam/road will go directly through the middle of the picture to the other side of the hollow...60 feet from the high point in the existing road to the field on the other side.
More pics to come...
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Yet more pics of site:
[img][/img] My dog sitting on the spot where the photo in the last post was taken... [img][/img] This is almost half way up the hollow...looking towards the shallow end of the area [img][/img] This is the spring...I put this in with mud and rocks to water the deer. There's a salt block close by also.
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Canis, They use to build ponds with a horse and slip. You can move dirt, you might want to figure out how much you can move, and how big your dam is. If you plow the dirt loose it should scoop up easily. Depending on distance from where you scoop it up to where you dump it in the dam, how long it will take you to cycle (haul 1 scoop) and the size of your bucket will determine amount of dirt you can move. You should cycle 10 times an hour and maybe 20 without much trouble. Depends on distance. I don't know how big your bucket is. 3/4 cu. yd. ? If so you could move 7.5 yds to 15 yds an hour. Rough figure in your dam next and you will get an idea what your up against. Not to talk you out of it, just know before you start. To rough figure know how deep the dirt will have to be. Then multiply width x length x height. Do it in feet, then divide the answer by 27 to get the cubic yardage. To figure how wide the dam is take the height x the slope to get the slope distance. Add top width and either front or back slope distance, not both. Use this answer to multiply x length x height. E-mail your height of dam at different points, and length (how many feet) between points and I'd be glad to figure it for you. Then you will know how much time it's going to take to do what you want. Kent
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Kent...Thanks for the response! I know that it's going to take a lot of hard work to put this in. I figured to just run the thing right across the creek, from the high point of the existing road to the high point of the field. I don't have a scoop for my tractor...I've got a grader blade. I've plowed the field already and have a good base of clay just 6-12 inches under the topsoil. My brothers and I are going to chip in for a dozer for a weekend. Prior to that, I'll go ahead and dig with a shovel my core trench and clear the area for the clay from the field to go. I know it's a lot of hard work...but it's a labor of love. I've taken my parents there to show them where it will be and they're getting giddy. It will be worth every blister and every drop of sweat to give this to them.
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Where in West Virginia are you located?
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I'm exactly 30 miles between Charleston and Hurricane. That's Putnam County in the southwestern part of the state.
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Know your area well ! Used to live in B'vill, got relatives living all over that area, notably on Hale Branch Road !...Also lived in Huntington and went to Lincoln Jr High and Hungington East for a the area...with all the flat stone in the area have you considered a stone dam ?...would look awesome when you finished !...
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Torchy...with the dam being in a hollow behind my parents house, I'm concerned about the possibility of dam breach. I think they would be slightly disgruntled if I destroyed thier house! Plus, I'll be using it for an access road to a field. I need the crest of the dam about 12 feet wide. Good to hear from a fellow Mountaineer! In the 10 years I was in the Army, I only ran into about a dozen West Virginians. Now I'm back!!!
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Yeah, bet they would be a tad upset ! was just a thought a side note, this summer I'm expanding my pond...renting an excavator which will run 1250.00 for one week...pond will go from 1.5 to 2.5 can move a lot of dirt with an excavator in one week ! can also rent a backhoe for not much to do your core at the dam...I know we "Mountaineers" are some tough folk, but diggin' a core with a shovel, my respect here !!...anyway, good luck !...what kind of fish are you going to put in ?
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It's going to be a very small pond. I'm thinking Bluegill and just a few bass. I'm a bass fisherman at heart but I love catchin 'gills on the flyrod! It would be something that my nephews and (one day) my kids could spend hours enjoying...catchin a load of fish without a lot of work. Good luck with your renovation! I'm sure you'll triple your haul of fish. And you could get a little boat and fish from the center of the pond towards the shoreline. You can also improve your bottom structure while the pond is drained! I know that sounds nuts about the shovel. As a soldier, we didn't have excavators or backhoes...we dug our fighting positions by hand. One position I remember all too well, was in Louisiana...when we were through (3 guys) you could park a truck in the hole and not know it was there. It took 24 hours to dig. Another time was Kentucky...I ticked off my First Sergeant and he made me dig a trench 2 feet deep around the perimiter of our camp. It took me 4 days. I hate shovels.
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Know the shovel routine all to well !...been in the USAF for 21 years and done some diggin' here and there, most recently in Iraq ! Hate shovels  also, so that's why I've grown to love power equipment !!!!Sounds like you'll have an awesome place for the family to relax around !
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Torchy...hats off to ya for the SACRIFICE that you've made. Too many people take freedom for when you flip a switch, you EXPECT that light to come on. I got back from Iraq 6 months ago...we've chewed on some of the same dirt my friend. SALUTE!
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by PAfarmPondPGH69, October 22