This may be a long shot, but I was wondering if someone could help identify which species this spawn is.
This spawn stayed in a tight school in the top few inches of the water column in water about 1-2 feet deep. This school stayed around in the same general area for about 2 weeks slowly getting smaller and then disappeared completely after a big storm (eaten, deeper water/non-schooling, or maybe washed out of the pond).
The video was taken April third in SE Texas. The water temperature was barely hitting 70F in the top foot of the column on sunny days but noticeably cooler the deeper you went.
The pond was newly dug in December. It was stocked in early February with 3-5" BG, 3-4" LMB, 2-3" RES, Mature FHM, 6-8" HSB, 5-6" Mozambique Tilapia (late Febrary when water warmed to 60F). The fish were being fed high-protein food, all species are growing fast and in great shape/breeding condition. But who spawned?
My thoughts:
-The timing and temperature are right for LMB, but I'm not sure my fish are large enough to spawn.
-A bit early for BG and the water was barely warm enough. BG are mature enough (some pushing 8" now).
-The water was pretty cool for a Talapia spawn, but they are definitely mature enough. The movement and tight surface schooling look like Tilapia.
-FHM are mature enough. The water was barely warm enough for a spawn. The schooling movement did not look like FHM to me (too slow and close to the surface). Plus I have not noticed an increase of FHM—if anything there is much less than I stocked.
-I think my RES are too small to have spawned.
-HSB, well that would be a miracle.
If I had to guess I would go with the Talapia based on how the fry moved, but I have no experience with any of the other species (new to TX).
The video:
SpawnWhich species do you think this spawn is and why?
Many thanks in advance.