i have a deer ranch and 5 acre pond. i finally covered ALL spin feeders with a 4 post 10x10 sheet metal roof cover and have now had NO trouble with the spin feeders. my pond feeders are covered as well. its the only way to go.
I have caulked the sides and sight windows on my Texas Hunter feeder. The damn things leak.
The feed clumped up, got down to the spin feeder, and jammed the spinner plate. That caused the motor to burn up. No warranty on “my negligence”. Not real impressed with them.
It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.
Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP Grandpa
I have caulked the sides and sight windows on my Texas Hunter feeder. The damn things leak.
The feed clumped up, got down to the spin feeder, and jammed the spinner plate. That caused the motor to burn up. No warranty on “my negligence”. Not real impressed with them.
I've had the same experience several times. Even caulking doesn't completely solve the problem, and if feed clumps up there goes the motor.
If I lived on site this wouldn't have been such an issue, but I didn't. On average, to keep four feeders working I had to buy a new feeder annually.
I have caulked the sides and sight windows on my Texas Hunter feeder. The damn things leak.
The feed clumped up, got down to the spin feeder, and jammed the spinner plate. That caused the motor to burn up. No warranty on “my negligence”. Not real impressed with them.
and here I've had mine on the pond for 6-7 years without any moisture issues.
I replaced all the windows/gaskets in the one that I bought from Fireishot and I haven't had any water issues with that one now either.
I have caulked the sides and sight windows on my Texas Hunter feeder. The damn things leak.
The feed clumped up, got down to the spin feeder, and jammed the spinner plate. That caused the motor to burn up. No warranty on “my negligence”. Not real impressed with them.
and here I've had mine on the pond for 6-7 years without any moisture issues.
I replaced all the windows/gaskets in the one that I bought from Fireishot and I haven't had any water issues with that one now either.
I acquired a 25 yr old Sweeney feeder that was in pretty rough shape but it was free, spent a couple hundred bucks on it and its been working like a brand new one, still has the original solar panel but it appears to be getting weak. It had window moisture issues at one time till I took the darn thing apart and resealed everything with a good polyurethane caulk and have not had a drop of moisture issues since.
All the really good ideas I've ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.
I have caulked the sides and sight windows on my Texas Hunter feeder. The damn things leak.
The feed clumped up, got down to the spin feeder, and jammed the spinner plate. That caused the motor to burn up. No warranty on “my negligence”. Not real impressed with them.
and here I've had mine on the pond for 6-7 years without any moisture issues.
I replaced all the windows/gaskets in the one that I bought from Fireishot and I haven't had any water issues with that one now either.
Of course it doesn't leak, I sprayed enough Flex Seal in it to seal a space capsule.
Always seal around the hopper windows. High temps in the summer, and low temps in the winter, is tough on plastic. Another option to seal the hopper seam is HVAC tape. The hopper has to be clean and dry for that to work, but it works well. Velcro a humidity gauge to the underside the lid of the hopper. You'd be surprised how high the humidity is. Often humidity, not a leak, causes the clumps. Run your feeder completely empty after 3-4 bags. Use a stiff toothbrush, or a parts brush, to clean out all the corners. 2" flexible putty knifes work well too. Flat for the hopper wall, and on edge for the corners. Focus on the seam. Don't feed the possibly mildewed clumps of wet fish food. Take it out, and throw it out to the raccoons somewhere other than where the feeder is.
ROFL. FIH, I replaced the windows and gaskets, replaced the timer after it got hot enough to melt a hole in it, and replaced the spin motor on the recommendation of Chris Blood @ TH Feeders. It's a new machine now. The windows are clear again!