Here is another shot of him on a different camera, full 12 point frame, definitely some added incentive to get out and hit the woods early on a cold morning when laying around drinking coffee would be so much easier. I got it cropped enough finally to get it to post.
All the really good ideas I've ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.
.. I got it cropped enough finally to get it to post.
There is a quick way I've found to resize the pics, without cropping, if you have Windows on your laptop, pc, etc. Save the image and then find it in My Computer. Right click and select Send To and then Mail Recipient. It will give you several sizing options. Select the size you want and then e-mail it to yourself. Save it back in the smaller size. Might sound complicated but it really isn't.
You fellas got me hungry (which dont take much). Thawed out a deer roast and a bkstrap. Put them in Sprite over night. Then today with into homemade rub (bunch of stuff from cabinets) and more sprite over night. Going to smoke them tomorrow. I have smoked bkstraps before and love them. Never have did a deer roast before. Has anyone here did one before?
We take them to the butcher. I dont know anything about besides what the package says. I dont hunt these were from one of the older to girls deer. I covered the name of the place because I dont know what we can n cant post. So just a lil CYA if ya know what I mean.
Really depends on the deer how old it is and what it's diet is as to what we do with it. I knew this last buck I shot was pretty old. So we made canned BBQ venison with it and jerky. If we do a roast we use the hind quarters most of the time and will make a neck roast. If you slow cook them right they all taste pretty good. Of course we always save the back straps and tender loins for steaks. With this buck we did all jerky and canned BBQ as we knew he would be kind of tuff as old as he was. We don't normally do hamburger as we are not setup for it but this buck would have been good for that also. The canned BBQ is awesome and a quick easy fix for dinner.
The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!
If your phone was used, take a screenshot of your photo. Should be great quality. Upload the screenshot as usual. To display hover over your image link, copy link/image address, edit your post, type [img]paste your pic link[/img] Presto You can also crop your photo after taking a screenshot. The pic of the buck I uploaded to Facebook from my computer, downloaded to my phone from Facebook, then uploaded from my phone to here. BTW...this is a low fence ranch in TX and I've been watching this buck for 3+ years. Easy since he has a bad eye.
I tried the screenshot thing on somebody else's suggestion but it didn't downsize it enough to work for me, not sure what I'm doing wrong or if I have the wrong phone, iphone 10
All the really good ideas I've ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.
Granddaughter who is here for a week from Basic training in the Navy wants to hunt this afternoon. I went there yesterday to get some things done and pull a couple of cam cards. Now home waiting for her to show up.
Left at 11 to come back to Fort Worth to wait for her to get free. When I left I realized that I hadn't heard a shot fired in the area. And saw none at the feeder a hundred yards or so from the house. Don't remember this ever happening.
It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.
Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP Grandpa
Dave, you think the deer have an idea as to when opening day starts? Sometimes I think they do. Hope you have a good hunt! Here, for three days, every morning between 7 and 7:30 an 11+buck show up in front of the camera. Opening day he was not there and haven't seen him since. Apparently we did not slip in like we thought we did
Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
Well, we hunted afternoon and this morning. Saw nothing and, in 3 days, didn’t hear a shot in the area. Cams say the deer had been hitting the feeder we hunted but none showed . Not even hearing a shot on opening weekend has me perplexed.
It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.
Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP Grandpa
Pat, same here. Sometimes we will see a nice buck at several different spots around the farm over a period of maybe 10 days. They do circle around the property. Then he will move out and another nice one will move in. When I say nice one I am speaking of a 10 or better. the problem is my son is not as picky as I am and will shoot at any buck outside the ears. Me, I look for pot bellied bucks. I don't see a lot of those type bucks except on camera's and most always at night. And when I do see one up close I wont get the shot. Do you know why we never saw fat Indians in old pictures? It was because they hunted with a bow!
We are just now seeing some chase, I've seen one. But around Thanksgiving the chase will be hard on if you catch my drift.
Last edited by TGW1; 11/05/1906:10 AM.
Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
They are chasing pretty hard around here right now, seen a doe followed closely by 2 bucks this morning, they were on a mission, it will be mostly the tail end of rut by the time the season starts the second weekend in November, and thats also probably where your bucks are going when they disappear, they travel a ways to find does, if you are lucky you will have one of them come into your area if you have plenty of does.
All the really good ideas I've ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.
Based on the hard chase we see around Thanksgiving every year and seeing it continue through Jan and early Feb along with seeing new fawns showing up each June through August I believe the rut runs longer here than most think it does. Kinda of like my lmb in the pond. When one couple moves up and then leaves with their fry another will move into the same area and do it all over again. This goes on for about 3 months. We see good numbers of bucks throughout the season. It's not south or west Texas but we still have good deer population at my place. We try to keep around 15 acres (small plots scattered around) of year round food plots along with a lot of native acorn producing Oaks on the place.
Last edited by TGW1; 11/06/1906:31 AM.
Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
Tracy What does that don’t get bred in late October will come in around thanksgiving then the ones left will come in in late December causing the late babies
So someone help fill me in here. I'm horribly ignorant about this...
If it is instinctive for species to mate and the does are 'in the mood' so to speak with their hormones, then why does all the chasing have to happen? Why are the does running around or running away? Are they truly afraid of the bucks? Is the mating process uncomfortable? or are they truly playing 'hard to get'?
I'm just thinking of my 16 year old boy and his new found interest in girls and their 'body parts'. I'm finding that the human 'does' are just as interested in the human 'bucks'. It seems the human hormones turn off any rational thought and the two sexes run together not away from each other!!
I have 4 girls of my own so I know what you mean. I think that's flirting. They are just as bad as the boys unfortunately. I own weapons but not the best shot. Im might not get them with the 1st but have a clip. Now everyone calm down im just kidding. But I do always invite the boys over for skeet shooting. They don't normally come back after that (LOL).
The strongest bucks can chase down the does and fend off rivals, so does that run generally produce the fittest offspring which selects for does than run. Natural selection at work.
RAH - I'm still lost on why the does take off running... Do mamma cows take off across the pasture when daddy shows up? Or female horses, or goats, sheep, bobcat, moose, elk, dogs, cats etc?
I know in some species the size advantage of one or the other keeps the other party 'captive'
Sorry, got us on the wrong tangent here. Either way it sounds like eventually the bucks find ALL the does and ALL the does get pregnant every year I guess?
Maybe the does are like my wife and they just say "this poor uterus (and these stretch marks...) simply cannot handle another 9 month pregnancy".
Maybe the female deer are doing their best to have just one winter with a normal sized belly...
Yes - Virtually every doe gets pregnant, but a few bucks father most of the fawns. Does that run the hardest have their fawns fathered by the fittest bucks on average. Thus, these does pass down the genetics for running to their offspring. Those managing for trophies often try and keep competition for does high by removing a lot of does. Keeping doe densities low also means lower herd densities and good herd health. Domestic animal breeding is controlled by humans. You don't see Holsteins or broiler chickens running wild.
Canyon The does run that are not in season and some are flirting. Not all doe come in heat at the same time.if a doe runs and the buck stays with her she is playing the game. We have a problem with waaay to many does (10-15 to 1 buck) neighbors will not kill does..... hard to fix stupid.....The bucks will check out does and if nothing is ready they will move on. Hope that helps some