I have a 2 surface acre pond that's never been aerated before other than a fountain. I've got muck, weeds, algae, etc. I'm looking to hear from people/customers who've put aerators in existing ponds that may have been suffering from ??? and their results.
Just first hand results from existing pond owners. Someone who's had a aerator system in their pond now for a few years would be welcome with open arms!
When I bought this place (I closed on the day before Thanksgiving) I had to rent the place back to the owners until their new house was completed. I finally took posession in Feb. When the ice melted, there were dead fish everywhere - winterkill. Next year I installed an aeration system, and have never had that problem again.
Now I have the winter diffuser set in front of the fish feeder, and I can feed the trout that I stock for the winter all winter long.
Here is the deal. Air in your pond is good for a number of reasons. The one main reason is you need the D.O. to help sustain life in your pond. There are many others.
Fish will thrive and love you for it! Air will help the already good bacteria in your pond do it's job better by slowly removing the muck you speak of. And if you add bacteria with air it will help it along even better. The correct air system is a great tool and will help your ponds eco system and fish thrive. It will also allow you to have more fish than without air. And help you in those times when your pond gets a little low on water. Air is your friend!!
I have been running a system now for 4 years and others out here a lot longer than that and my fish look great are growing fast and are very active.
Here are a couple of fish I caught 2 weeks ago. Of course it's not just the air system that makes your fish look great and thrive but I believe it's a big part and a must for any serious pond owner.
Last edited by RC51; 09/06/1311:59 AM.
The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!
I've sold numerous pond aerators and showed people how to build them since 1985. I allow them to bring the aerator back for a full refund if they don't think it helps the pond. So far no one has returned an aerator. If for some reason it stops working, they quickly get it fixed or call to correct the problem since they continually see beneficial results from pond aeration.
aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine - America's Journal of Pond Management
i could not have fish without one. my pond gets no water from May to November. it has also helped reduce FA and muck build-up. i bought a vertex system from Sue, its been running virtually maintenance free for about 6 years.
I've read most every thread here on aerators and I think I understand most of what I've read. I have lot's of fish in my pond and have always had great fishing. I don't get fish kills from lack of oxygen. I do get FA, Lilly pads, Hydrilla and muck. I spot treat for the weeds.
So....is putting 3K+ into an aeration system going to get me anything noticeable? A couple of inches a year in muck reduction, maybe, healthy fish (which I already have) What else am I missing here?
Timinator, Beautiful property! Regarding an aeration system going to get you anything noticeable, I have nothing to add, that hasn't been said. I usually come here for advice & to read through others posts to learn.
So, aeration isn't going to add much then, is that the consensus?
I wouldn't be without them either in my four ponds especially in the summer as it allows my fish to occupy the entire water column and keeps the pond healthy. If I didn't have them this year I'd probably see dead fish when the ice goes out.
There will be a lot of dead fish floating up this spring in the midwest for ponds without any aeration. You can count on it.
If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.
Timinator wow what a magnificent property. Love all the trees! Love the curvature! Curvature in ponds & pools (and girls) is something I love.
To the experts like Cecil & esshup a couple of questions:
Like Timinator I've been on the fence on aeration...
#1. Would you say aeration is slightly more important up north due to the winter/ice or does the summer heat in the south require aeration just as much in the over-all picture?
#2. How would you answer someone that says "aeration is not all good because it really stirs up all the nutrients (like tilling a garden), which can cause even more FA and unwanted plants."
In my amateurish opinion, there is aeration and then there is a properly designed and sized aeration system.....I see a difference there.
I don't currently aerate all of our ponds, but I see it on the horizon. It just takes one fish kill event, in a BOW that has never killed before, to make you sit up and take notice. It happened to me last year.
Being able to flip a switch and open a hole in 8" of ice cover has been pretty nifty this winter also, given its severity.
"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"
If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1) And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1) Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT? PB answer: It depends.
So, aeration isn't going to add much then, is that the consensus?
Perhaps I should not weigh in on this, because I do not have aeration myself, and you said you want folks who have actual experience. However, I think the statement above is a little to broad to say yes/no to for a simple answer. Perhaps if you said "in my situation with it's past track record". I bet the consensus would be in favor to the fact that each pond is different, and some need aeration, and there are some(usually to the rare case) that do not. So every pond has to be considered individually.
Like Sparkplug said, it only takes one fishkill and to look back in the mirror and said "should-a". Perhaps in your case if you did have aeration, your pond could really excel above most others. But, is that your goal? Are you happy with what you got now? Do you want insurance to keep it that way, and if so what are you willing to spend?
Well I have not had air for long but I have had it for 4 years now. I can tell you this from what I have seen.
1. My pond does seem to be cleaner. 2. My fish do seem to be more active and in GREAT shape and color. 3. I am holding more fish now with air than I could without air running.
4. As old as my pond was losing a couple of inches of muck a year was a must! I now have lost close to 5 to 8 inches and that's a LOT spread over a 1 acre pond!
5. Here in the south it gets soooo hot my 1 acre pond can get real warm and mixing that water to keep things stable is a must for me I think. 6 Your air acts as a large filter for your pond just like in an aquarium if you will. It helps keep things cleaner!
Hope this helps! RC
The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!
I don't currently have an aeration system, but have one priced and it IS on the must have list in the next year. My pond is relatively new, at 6 years old, but as it ages, I have more and more algae issues and muck build up. I have invested many dollars and lots of blood, sweat and tears into my bow, I don't want to see that wasted. From my research here and elsewhere, aeration can help with my current problems not to mention keeping things healthy and the oxygen levels up during winters like the one this year. The investment for a system that lasts years is small compared to restocking, dredging, and chemicals. I do wish now that I had placed an aerator when we built. Hind sight....
Good luck whatever you decide, your place is beyond lovely.
To all. Don't fall into the mental trap of thinking an aerator will solve overabundant algae issues. Firstly there are thousands of species of algae. Many with specific growth requirements that allows them to live in a wide variety of surface waters just about everywhere from your rain gutter, to snow banks & under ice, to thermal hot water springs of Yellowstone National Park.
Algae grows because there are excess nutrients that are not being consumed by some form of other plant. Thus the 'ever present everywhere' algae form massive growth parties 'slurping up' those available dissolved nutrients. 'Party hardy type guys'. I still continually look for scientific literature that tested and proves aeration reduces nutrients.
Don't get my meaning wrong. I love pond aerators and their ability to mix the entire water column and the many benefits that provides overall better water quality. Once you have a proper designed aerator system and see its benefits, you will not return it to the store for a refund. This activity overall improves water quality within the pond ecosystem. If aeration significantly reduced algae growth, I would have 20 aerators per acre in my pond.
Last edited by Bill Cody; 03/06/1402:15 PM.
aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine - America's Journal of Pond Management
I know that's right Bill! You couldn't keep aerators on the shelf if they busted algae that good!!
I have had my system running for 4 years now and still have algae issues. Like Bill said to many nutrients. My neighbor has cows and I know I am getting run off from his field some. So its a on going issue with me. He is like 76 years old though and I am hoping maybe one day I might have a shot at buying that field next to my pond!
Last edited by RC51; 03/06/1401:32 PM.
The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!
Juvenal fish recreation. Probably not an important criteria or goal for most pondmeisters.
I only had aeration on for about 3 weeks last fall as I put a temporary diffuser in and temporary pump setup to see what would happen.
When I would boat out to the column of bubbles and water that were coming up from the bottom, there would be a fountain of fish mixed in with the bubbles. Small 2" long BG and FHM bubbling up with the bubbles and water. I don't know what level they were hopping on for the ride, but it appeared they would enter the column and ride it up to the top. There the water would spit them out and most would disappear deeper or a few would leisurely mosey over to the float I had attached to the diffuser and rest under it for a short time.
It reminded me of kids riding on a carnival ride. A continuous flow of small fish coming up from the depths to the top. I visualized them hopping on for the ride over and over, but do not know that for sure. As I paddled too close they would stop for a short while, but once my boat stabilized against the anchor rope (flow from the aeration constantly pushed the boat away from the water column) in a few seconds they would be there again, riding the carnival ride.
Was quite a site to watch. Something I had not expected to see. Submerged cedar tree cover was nearby.
LMB and CC fingerlings had just recently been introduced so no large predators. 6" BG biggest thing in pond at that time.
Jimmi, it looks like you will have your work ahead of you this year. Lots of small catfish there too.
I sure do! This is a new pond and I just stocked 100 CC and 100 LMB this spring. I counted 29 CC in that one spot and there were some others scattered elsewhere. Remains to be seen if I lost the whole 100. The funny thing is I haven't seen a single dead LMB. Makes me wonder if they sink when they die for some reason or if they were somehow able to survive.
Like sprkplug said it only takes one fish kill to get your attention...getting ready to order an aerator.
East Central Missouri 1 1/4 acre pond, build fall 2011 1/8 acre baitfish pond build fall 2022
My pond is also only about a year old, but the CC and LMB were stocked in the fall rather than in the spring, so would be smaller.
So far no dead fish that I have seen (keeping my fingers crossed). I had a temporary aerator put in for a few weeks last fall and wanted to get the diffuser set to shallow water and run it this winter, but time just run out before we travel south for the winter and did not get it done. I would have really wished I got it done had I had a fish kill.
That is, no fish kill that I know of. We did have to come back from the middle of our stay for a funeral and the ice was mostly off then during a warming spell and no floaters then. Guess I could have had some and not known it since we were gone for most of the harshest weather.
Currently it is 10' at the deepest. About half the pond is pretty shallow. I have turbid water which prevented any plant growth to provide O2 during the summer and a fairly large influx of fall leaves to gobble up oxygen at the bottom. Considering that surface O2 infusion from wave action is pretty slow, I imagine that I've been running on pretty low O2 levels since this thing filled up. The severe freeze this winter sealed up the top with 8"-10" of ice and when turnover happened it was all over with.
East Central Missouri 1 1/4 acre pond, build fall 2011 1/8 acre baitfish pond build fall 2022
I use a Kasco circulator to maintain an area of open water during the winter. It runs less than 50% of the time (temperature and timer controlled). It does and excellent job of keeping an area open all winter long. We currently have 28 plus inches of ice.
The circulator affects the whole (5 acres) pond as witnessed on a calm spring morning. It will put a ripple on the whole 5 acres of surface area. You can set the angle of the circulator so that it primarily affects the surface or alternatively to move water from bottom to top like an aeration system does (or anywhere in between).