Pond Boss
I've read on here to obtain 10 soil samples from my 1 acre pond from all over the pond and let them dry out for two days, then mix them up and send in two cups of the soil mix. What is the best way to obtain the soil from the pond bottom? Take some from the 1' to 5' with a post hole digger seems easy enough, just not sure about leaves and sludge build up affecting the sample? And not sure if I need to get the sample from the 12's depths? Or how to get that deep? Thanks from the newbie pond owner!
Use a piece of pvc or even bamboo. Try to have samples from all depths in equal amounts. More smaller samples is better.
Thank you ewest, I bought some 1.5" PVC pipe and drove it in the ground and gather samples from all 4 corners, humps in the middle, and down the length of the pond sides. It was only getting small bites of mud each push, so it should be a good representation of the pond doing it like you said. Thank you for the help! Didn't know I had to do anything to my pond except fish and eat them when I got too many....LOL
Post your results when you get them. A good learning experience for others to see results and recommendations.
So, have you managed to collect Soil samples from the pond back then? How was it?
It's a bit late but I want to add that, for the most accurate sample, you're right - you need to get from 1' to 5' and 12' depths. For the top layer, a post-hole digger is perfect, but for the deeper levels, you'll need some Drilling equipment. This can be a bit of an investment, but it's worth it if you want to get the best results. Make sure to wear protective gear and be careful when you're drilling! You don't wanna get any of that sludge in your eyes. BTW, it sounds like you're doing the right thing by drying out the samples for 2 days before mixing them. Just remember that you'll need to send in two cups of the soil mix.
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