Pond Boss
Posted By: Marc Z. growth potential of stunted lmb - 10/31/06 09:26 PM
I am at the end of my 2nd year trying to get my 1.5 acre pond in balance. Started with lots of stunted LMB, some crappie, and pretty nice BG. After removing all crappie and 100 LMB I am seeing nice weight gain on the remaining LMB. I am seeing all sizes of BG that I was not seeing in the first year. I take that to mean I have a decent food supply for the remaining LMB.
My question is: What is the growth potential for previously stunted LMB? Will they start growing again at normal rates for my area or are they somehow "handicapped" after having a lack of food for some indefinite length of time? I assume that their actual age will control how much more they will grow, if they can grow. Would it be wise to add a small number of new LMB to the pond to shake up the genetics at this time?
Posted By: ewest Re: growth potential of stunted lmb - 10/31/06 09:58 PM
Marc :

Read this thread. I think it will answer your question.


Bill this may be a good one for the archives on renovation of stunted LMB populations.
Posted By: Marc Z. Re: growth potential of stunted lmb - 11/01/06 04:44 PM
Thank you for the link ewest. It is not the news I was hoping for but I figured the news would not be to my liking. Guess it is going to take a little longer to get my "aquarium" in order and now I have another excuse to go fishing!
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: growth potential of stunted lmb - 11/01/06 11:13 PM
Is the question growth potential or growth top end? The potential is great. We have aged 12 inch bass as old as 7 yrs. So you harvest the right amount of bass and do other thigns to increase the groceries in the pond. He might start to put on 1 lb/yr but then die 2 years later at 3 lbs. However the up and coming bass should continue to grow well all theirs lives if the pond is going forward kept in balance with proper harvest, etc.

SO that being said we continue to promote bass harvest in stunted situtations.
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