Pond Boss
Posted By: RonWhite New Pond Owner and member in SE Kentucky - 03/27/13 06:12 PM
Hi all. Recently found this site while attempting to begin the learning process of maintaining a pond and was really impressed from what I have seen here.

My wife and I recently purchased our home and land here in Whitley County, Ky which includes a log home on 22+ acres with an approximately 3/4 - 1 acre pond. I have never owned or managed a pond before so I will eventually have numerous questions for the pros I am certain. We moved in last summer but did not get to do much fishing last year, just enough to know that the pond is going to need work, the property sat vacant for some time (have heard everything from 3 - 7 years) so we have been extremely busy on everything (not just the pond). First order of business on the pond was removing trot lines and posting No Trespassing signs. After talking with the neighbors two admitted to putting wild caught fish into the pond (including mudcat and crappie) but no owning up to the trot lines (doubt anyone will, lol). My wife pulled one fairly large mudcat to the bank last summer (at least 6-8 lbs, he broke the line before i could get him out of the water) and we have caught a couple of large CC's but have yet to see any crappy which one neighbor stated putting approximately 30-40 in. I have attempted to educate the neighbors on the negative aspects of introducing wild fish (especially crappie) into ponds while not being a complete jerk about it, one seems to understand the other not so much (I suspect him to be the TL culprit as he likes to harvest deer excessively as well).

I have read enough so far to know one of the first things you guys say is to determine your goals. I guess for now my goals are primarily a decently balanced LMB, BG(including Redear) and CC pond for relaxation/recreation and periodic consumption.

I look forward to knowing everyone and sharing experiences. If it takes a few days for me to respond to anything, please bear with me, if the weather is fair to good I am most likely working on something here and most days I will stay at it all day long or until the job is done (which is a tall order around here). I will also eventually get around to posting some pics also (once I figure it out).
Posted By: kenc Re: New Pond Owner and member in SE Kentucky - 03/27/13 06:47 PM
Welcome Ron from a former Jackson Co. boy. Are you from the mountains? This is pretty much how it is done there, What is mine is mine and what is yours is mine also. When you say mud cats, do you mean flat heads? If so you need to get rid of them, they can eat about anything in your pond. That is pretty country. Good luck.
Thanks Kenc. Not originally from KY, I grew up in Alabama, joined the Navy and spent 20 years calling home where-ever I was needed. However I have been married twice so I fully understand the mentallity you speak of (lol). Retired in 2006 and have moved 7 times deciding where I wanted to plant roots, found this property and knew this was it. Has pretty much everything I have been looking for here, even space on the oposite side of the property for potentially a second larger pond with lots of springs and hill runoff to maintain full pond levels.

What I am calling mudcats, I guess would be a form of yellow cat(?) yellowish brown color, taste muddy when you cook them we just always called them mudcats back home. They look different from the flat heads I have seen, either way I don't want them in the pond, CC's only. One of my rules to the few people I have given permission to fish here is if you catch one do not release it back to the pond.
Thank you for your service and welcome to the source of all pond knowledge.
There are some fish farms in eastern Kentucky you might want to seek out for stocking.

sean (also in KY)
Posted By: kenc Re: New Pond Owner and member in SE Kentucky - 03/29/13 04:24 PM
Sounds like you have bullheads,once your bass get large enough they will keep them under control.We have them in a large pond that floods and we have caught over 800 CC to 3 bullheads in the last 4 years. Good luck and thanks for protecting our country.
Thanks guys. The next one I land I will take a pic and make sure we are talking about the same thing Kenc. Getting my bass large enough is one of my first priorities along with getting the crappie out should aid in that.

Buzz, thanks I have already introduced myself to Mrs. Jones of Jones' hatchery here in Whitley Co. and will be talking with the local Dept of F& W biologist, she is telling me that I may be able to get them to do a shock on the pond to help identify what actions I need to take to work on balancing populations.

My bass are skinny and very hungry, dispite what appears to be a solid BG population.(at least last summer) I expect that to be the case until I can get the less desirable fish under control.
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