Pond Boss
Posted By: Ed Richter Enlarging Pond - 05/02/05 07:01 PM
I am finally enlarging my 2/3 ac pond by about 1/4 ac. I lowered the level by about 3 ft to make it easier. My primary objectives, other than just getting more area, are to provide more bluegill spawning area and better habitat, without getting too shallow and getting overgrown with cattails.

My existing pond is a bowl, and my previous attempts at providing gravel beds in kiddie pools were covered by silt. Other areas were too steep, and the plastic pools just slid to the deepest part of the pond.

I am planning to make the new area flat, 5' below max, 3-4' below normal. level. In several areas I will cover this with gardening fabric, and dump gravel on top. I also plan on making several deeper channels, maybe 5' wide, to provide some structure and cooler water closer to shore. Parts of the shore will be lined with about 1' riprap to provide habitat and to keep cattails out.

Any other ideas for fish / wildlife habitat?

I would also like to make an island, with a walkway to it. This is as much to save money on the project as it is for esthethic reasons. I have mixed feelings about this, because people tell me that islands are just habitat for snakes.
I plan to make a bridge to it and put a bench there for fishing.
Posted By: Ric Swaim Re: Enlarging Pond - 05/03/05 12:36 AM
I like the island idea & would do it. I don't however think you'll save any $ if you have to build a bridge to it.
I also don't believe an island will attract snakes any more than the rest of the shoreline.
Posted By: Ed Richter Re: Enlarging Pond - 05/04/05 02:46 PM
Thanks Ric,

I really like the way islands look. Maybe not building the bridge would give the one duck that I have, more peace. I will decide after I refill the pond.

I drained the water to the point that there is no cover left. There seems to be significant activity below the surface. I am glad that I am making bluegill spawning beds to help them recover later.
Posted By: Matt Clark Re: Enlarging Pond - 05/05/05 06:24 PM

My builder made me an island for two reasons...aesthetics (it is beautiful) and because he didn't really need that dirt. It was easier and cheaper to just leave the knot that formed right there.

It just provides that much more shoreline, which is where the fish hang out anyway...any no body will get to fish this shore very easily. Therefore, more secure spawning beds. I spread several tons of crushed stone in the shallows before flooded.

I like it, it gives that one lone pair geese someplace safe to nest and it's just plain neat. I will probably build a floating bridge to it someday, but would want to be able to "open" a section to keep predators off...
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