Pond Boss
I want to throw this idea out there for the PB communities' ideas and thoughts:

We are thinking about opening one our main ponds for the ultimate in pay-fishing or derby fishing. Like one day a month, or preplanned events only. For promotional purposes, special events, etc. We would definitely extend a special invitation to PB forum members for the grand opening event, whatever that may be. Maybe one event for fly fishing only? Maybe host a fish-off competition? Special events like birthdays? Maybe one event per year inviting only special clients?

We would utilize our 1 acre "Farm Pond" that we don't use for regular production of fingerlings . It receives runoff from our fish facility and grows monster fish of all types. It is aerated and supplemented with high quality water. Shad, bluegill, and tilapia as annual forage and this pond grows nice catfish, bass, hybrid stripers, bluegill, and trout. The pond has an EZ dock and fish access from all sides.

I am looking for ideas basically. Have any of you ever fished at a pay to fish outfit? What would be your optimal experience? How would you set one up if it was yours?? What would be the pros and cons?
An optimal experience for me would be for you to pick me up in your personal jet and fly us down to the big T. Then have two swede gals to bait my hook and fillet my fish. &You would not be on the hook for the return trip. PM me.
I say do it

I never payed to fish all my life and balked at the idea before...........that was until I just had a kid and lived overseas,Now I see it in a different light,when I want my daughter to go fishing I want her to be hooked and I think that requires catching something.In order to teach her the lessons that go with such things.With that said with what you are offering I feel others will feel the same wink
@ ken I could arrange for a few Bulgarian girls,while not blondes they aren't afraid to get dirty and would blow your mind.....feel free to pm me wink
Personally, combining that with a trip next Spring to pick up my Tilapia would be attractive to me.

Are you thinking catch and take or catch and release?

I am thinking of catch and take and pay for em, with an optional service to fillet the catch.

But if it's promotional or for special clients then the rules would be different.
Thanks Ewest I was not aware of that publication!!
I think you're on the right track with limiting access to the pond for special, invitation only events. Having had experience with operating a campground, I can attest to the "I've paid to play, now get out of my way", mindset of some members of the general public. Time to fill the freezer, with your fish....

On the other hand, if this is to be a commercial, (with an eye towards profitability), enterprise, and you desire a specific clientele, then I think the fishing experience needs to be above and beyond, so to speak. Something not easily found elsewhere.

Perhaps you were intending for this pond to be a test drive of sorts... a way to showcase your fish, and your talents? A way to give your clients a hands on feel for what they could achieve, with a little guidance and expertise.
I like the idea. I just got back from a vacation where part of it was spent trout fishing on private, "pay to play" waters. It was catch and release and a very high quality event. I highly recommend it. It sounds to me like your "Farm Pond" has all the ingredients of a place that all of us here on PB would be very happy to have the opportunity to fish. And I really like the idea of a special day for us fly fisherpeople!
So Todd, you threw alot of ideas out there for consideration. I have alot of experience with every situation you mentioned above and some...anyhow my advice would be: if you build it, they will come: plus if you love it, you will be successful.

To expound on that a little, I would incorporate what you love into that little pond and you will not only be profitable, but you will have fun with it, and showcase what you can do. On the flip side, if you create something that is a headache for you, or extra work you dont want to do, or more work than it needs to be, you simply wont have fun and probably wont be profitable.

If you like to cook, nothing is more exciting for people than to eat their catch fresh...cooking fish is just as intimidating as fishing is for people so once you show them firsthand both catching and eating, you are a hero....

If you like to have a couple birthday party type events there, set up that program and publicize it and run with it....

If you want a showcase for certain clients, nothing sells more fish for me than showing them above average fish....

Flyfishing seminars usually go over really well, bring in an instructor for a bit of instruction and then hands on from there....

Fish off competition can bring in alot of money just for one day event, especially if you have great prizes for tagged fish and of course the biggest fish....(maybe instead of entry fee, clients who purchase x amount of fish are invited to the event)....

Of course you have to have a couple boyscout groups or a charity fundraiser fishing derby at the pond here and there as well....

Every chance I ever get (mainly at tourist places or vacation) I always visit the local fish hatchery and then any fee fishing operations around. I have literally been to 20 or more fee fishing places across the US. (I usually dont fish at them, just nose around and ask lots of questions and get ideas)....

Also I have helped create a 10 acre fishing park with 3 ponds and 2 trout springs where we now have over 100 volunteers and have had clients donate more than $400,000 to date to renovate and operate this community fishing park. This year alone we have had more than 3000 kids and seniors come to the park and catch fish free of charge.

We host special event seminars, derbies, birthday parties on top of our normal school field trips, kids groups, boyscouts, and nursing homes... Also we have a trophy trout pond for only special outings, flyfish seminars, and fundraiser trips....

Anyhow you could probably get a few ideas from the website: http://www.hookedonfishingpark.org/Home.html

Just keep in mind, when people see it at your place, they will want it at their place...
overton fisheries, Love that idea!!!

n8ly, you never cease to amaze me with your ideas and concepts. Plus you make them work!!! I am so jealous of you but I also love your great videos and awesome community work. Keep it going n8ly...You are a great asset to this site and to all the young people you've made a lasting impression on.
Great Idea!
I always said "if you wanna be a good bird shot -you gotta get on birds"
If you wanna learn to fly fish - you gotta get on fish"

One of Todd's ponds:

Todd, if you're thinking fish and take, then a bait tank close to the pond could be a neat part of this.

Hypothetically, you could initially provide the fishing for customers picking up fish, and then give them the option to buy the extra fish they catch. This might allow you to ease into this, and evaluate its worth to you without a lot of up front expenditure. You also might provide this as a "fish only" experience in the winter, when fish deliveries might slow down.

As always, George is correct on his post. When I want to try something new, knowing that you're in a BOW that has fish, makes things better.
Thanks Hang...Im not normal which is a blessing and cursing.....my stupid brain never shuts off and only works harder at night while im sleeping.

George, as usual, your probably right. Flyfishing is a great angle to take in a situation such as this! so much possibility.
Todd I would only try special events at first. Not just open to the public. You can try that later if you like. Be sure to check your insurance before you do this. The key will be marketing - to whom and how.
Thanks those are great ideas!!! Thanks to you Nate for your time and experience on the issue. Yes EWEST is right for sure I have to start out easy. Probably an event for our special clientele and PB folks first. Sounds exciting. We are making some minor improvements on the pond as we speak, adding rock around the shoreline.

Stocking Trout in the winter seems like a fantastic idea for us. Our winters can be beautiful but summers are harsh and suppressing.

Here is a pic of the 1 acre Farm Pond, taken from our office and fish facilities:

We have had a number of fee fishing type scenarios up here over the years, but most of them have passed on.

The "Build it and they will come" thought process, only hold's water if you market the heck out of it, and deliver on what you just spewed out, then keep it up. Keeping it up is the difficult task.

Watch out for that 15 minutes of fame stuff also. It could mess ya up really bad.

I liked the video that Nate put up about the show, but the production company probably owns it, and they are just characters being marketed.

No offense to anyone!
Originally Posted By: JKB
We have had a number of fee fishing type scenarios up here over the years, but most of them have passed on.

The "Build it and they will come" thought process, only hold's water if you market the heck out of it, and deliver on what you just spewed out, then keep it up. Keeping it up is the difficult task.

Watch out for that 15 minutes of fame stuff also. It could mess ya up really bad.

I liked the video that Nate put up about the show, but the production company probably owns it, and they are just characters being marketed.

No offense to anyone!

“Build it and they will come" - It’s already built… grin

Knowing Todd and his operation as I do, I see very little risk to his fee fishing venture. No increase in overhead - down time for fish deliveries if timed correctly - a highly managed and stocked pond with LMB - HSB - CNBG - BC - Rainbow trout.

"Watch out for that 15 minutes of fame stuff also. It could mess ya up really bad....." laugh

Sounds really good george1!

Happy to see when things work out well.
Todd, the only thing that I can add is make sure that your oher ponds on the property are both bio and people secure on those days.
There used to be couple of catfish ponds on 290, where the Loews hardware store is now. My friend and I used to call it the $100 pond, because no matter how we determined only to get couple of catfish, we never got out of there for under $100. You could not release the fish and the kids always wanted one more that was bigger then somebody else's. They did filet the fish for a small fee.

When I lived in Colorado, there was a pay to fish trout pond. I was a student, too poor to participate, but there was a sign on the highway and they cooked the trout while people fished for more. It smelled sooooo gooood. I am not sure how either one of these did as a business.

Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Ed, seen any copperheadedrattlemocassins lately?
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