Pond Boss
Posted By: RC51 Sump Pump Ideas? - 07/07/10 09:21 PM
I know this may sound crazy, but I was wondering if anyone has tried to use a sump pump in any way on there pond for a fountain, or waterfall or anything like that or any other ideas. I have a extra 1/3 hp S. pump sitting around and was wondering if there was a way I could use it in my pond. I wouldn't run it all the time, maybe just as a secondary thing to my aeration system when we are at the land as I know the pumps put out a lot of wattage if I remember right. I am not even sure if I can use it in any way that would make since, but thought I would ask if anyone has tried and what did they do.

Posted By: leupy Re: Sump Pump Ideas? - 07/07/10 09:36 PM
I have used one for airation during Aug. and to keep a hole in the ice during the winter but I don't airate all the time.
Posted By: Rattletrap2 Re: Sump Pump Ideas? - 07/08/10 02:42 AM
I have an old cast iron 1/2 h.p. sump pump sitting in a plastic milk crate on the bottom at one end of my pond. It has about 3 - 4 feet of 1 1/2" ABS on the discharge which it brings it to a point about a foot below the surface. I have it on a timer and it comes on and shoots a large white plume of water about a foot and a half into the air. Works great as an aerator!
It is a bit of a pig on electricity though. It draws about 10 amps on 120 volts.

I have often thought about replacing it with something more energy efficient.
Posted By: RC51 Re: Sump Pump Ideas? - 07/08/10 07:24 PM
Hey thanks RT that's kind of what I thought about doing with it or making some kind of a waterfall with it. Not something I would have on all the time, but just maybe when I am up there for show. Having a main air system in place as well for every day purpose. I was thinking of maybe placing the pump on the back side a some sort of rock formation and letting it come down the front side of the rocks or something like that. I don't know just thinking out loud is all. I apprecaite the idea.
Posted By: Rattletrap2 Re: Sump Pump Ideas? - 07/09/10 02:46 AM
I have ours on a timer, so it only runs for couple of hours at a time.
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