Pond Boss
Posted By: outfishin Install Clay - Buy a liner - Or Just Wait? - 09/07/09 09:20 PM
Hi Guys - I'm in need of some advice.

We took a 1/3 acre pond, drained it down a bunch, then pushed over trees, etc. and made it into over 1 acre. Prior to the dig out the pond always held water. Even in the dead of summer, evaporation wasn't a large issue. We have a well on the property that supplies water to the pond, but even better, we have 3 areas that give us run off when we get rain that adds massive amounts of water into the pond. Since the dig out, we have had the pond full twice. One time it went over the spillway. Other than that, it doesn't seem to be holding water except in the original area of the old pond. The Striper Bass are now complaining Sooo - how long do we wait to see if it is just a temporary issue? Should we look at putting in a pond liner? My husband is considering getting one of those walk behind things to pack down the ground - but I'm not sure about that.

Oh, we did not have any clay brought in. The dozer guy (and my husband) seemed to think that there was enough clay - I mentioned that I thought we should consider bringing in more, but hey - why listen to a 5'0' lady who reads The Pond Boss - what could she know.

I don't mind my husband having a pond with fish - infact I am enjoying it as well - however - I have read the posts about the money pit and I would like to avoid that if I can, it will take away money from my flower budget.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Lisa in TN
Posted By: otto Re: Install Clay - Buy a liner - Or Just Wait? - 09/07/09 10:00 PM
Let it try another time or two before you put any of the flower budget into the pond.

When you enlarged the pond did you raise the water level or did you dig out a bigger area?
Where were the trees you pushed out?

After the pond filled and started to go down could you see any water behind the dam.
Hi Otto - thanks for the quick reply.

We dug out a bigger area and raised the water level some. The pond shape was similar to an oval and had several steep banks with trees. Infact, our entire 15 acres is all wooded. We didn't have any trees on the dam, but we had a few growing up behind it. The dozer guy took those down and the ones on the banks. There were no leaks or wet spots behind the dam. We took the banks down about 8 feet to where the existing bottom of the pond was and then put a nice slope instead of the steep banks that the old pond had. We didn't dig out the existing pond at all, we just kind of worked around it. The dozer guy added about 4 feet to the existing dam and put a bunch of dirt behind the dam to make a nice grade instead of a steep bank. We have not noticed any wet spots. I'm not sure if I'm explaining correctly - I hope it makes sense.

Most of the soil that would be the bottom of the pond is what seems to be good ol red tennessee clay. It is impossible to dig, slick when wet and if you can dig a hole it will hold water forever it seems like. Not to metion that you can't grow nothing in it You have to dig and dig and then amend the soil. Being a gardener I can tell you that much. But I don't know if it is the same kind of clay that is needed to hold pond water. My concern is on the right side of the pond. It seems like the soil there is more dirt or chirt? than clay. It is only that area, but it was like that with the old pond and it still held water.

So you say give it some more time? I know it can take a while for absorption but how long is too long?

Thanks again.

Posted By: otto Re: Install Clay - Buy a liner - Or Just Wait? - 09/08/09 12:29 PM
Yes you make sense.
If the dam was leeking you would see some wet spots.
Sometimes when a dam is raised the added water will weigh enought to push out of the dam----- but it is usally easy to see on the back of the dam.
Same is true if the tree roots caused a seep. ------Usally easy to see.
The first place to work is on the right side that does not look like the rest of the soil---maybe cover the poor looking area with some of the good old tennessee clay, add 6 inches pack it then add 6 more inches and pack that.
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