Pond Boss
Posted By: djstauder Feeder that can throw aquamax largemouth? - 03/24/15 03:44 PM
I hand-feed these to the HSB but am only at the pond every weekend, at most. So, they aren't growing as fast as I'd like. I talked to a couple of people at the PBconference that indicated that Sweeney makes one but it was not recommended.

Anybody else makes one?

Suggest looking into one of these. We don't feed Aquamax largemouth but we do feed Aquamax 500.
As far as I know, Sweeney is the only one who makes on for LMB pellets.
Another thing you can try for HSB:

Get a TH feeder, adjust the spinner plate to its lowest position [this is really easy to do on a TH feeder], and feed Skretting 1cm pellets. Not as big as AM largemouth but still a lot bigger than AM 600; the feeder is proven, readily available, and Skretting makes great feed that they'll ship to you. Ain't cheap but won't cost a heck of a lot more than AM largemouth, you'll spend less on the feeder, and you'll have fantastic growth.
thanks, all, for the info
Have you contacted Texas Hunter to speak to a technical representative to hear what they tell you?
We've been hitting Chris Blood up on this for the last couple conferences - I suspect if they were seriously considering entering the market to compete with Sweeney we'd have seen a prototype by now. I'm guessing they're aware of the reported performance issues on Sweeney models and decided it's not worth messing with. Note: Issues with Sweeney models is only hearsay - I don't own any units nor have any experience with them.
Posted By: esshup Re: Feeder that can throw aquamax largemouth? - 03/28/15 04:53 PM
I think the Sweeny issues were more company related than product related. Now one of the kids is really into the company, and I think you'll be seeing more and more of them. I had dinner with him and his wife one night and they seem genuinely interested in bring it back. They are the only company that I know of that makes one specifically for the AM Largemouth Pellets.
Posted By: Zach-S Re: Feeder that can throw aquamax largemouth? - 06/03/15 01:52 PM
We do make a feeder to throw the largemouth pellet, but it is special order. There have been a few issues with it -- golf ball sized pellets aren't easy to sling. Biggest problem is demand. There hasn't been enough interest to keep it on the price list.

Zach Sweeney
Has anyone had any success mixing aquamax largemouth and regular pellets in the Sweeny Largemouth Feeder?
Posted By: esshup Re: Feeder that can throw aquamax largemouth? - 11/02/15 06:51 PM
Originally Posted By: altabonita
Has anyone had any success mixing aquamax largemouth and regular pellets in the Sweeny Largemouth Feeder?

I haven't tried it, but I would think that it would work.
Here it is the workhorse that is still going strong going off twice a day for a very long time. No issues with feeder or motors. Had the timer and batteries go out a couple of times over the years but thats it. It can throw different size food in combination. I should contact zac about buying one for the other dock.
I am probably switching to the skreeting pellets and they are about double the size of the aquamax 600 not sure if my other feeders can handle that size pellet but Im sure that this one can.
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