My pond is 5 acres, only thing in it is the FHM we stocked this spring I read all the time about over stocking SMB or LMB, Seen many posts about suggested numbers to start with
My question is, is there such thing as under stocking ? Pros and Cons Say 50 acre as opposed to the standard 100 acre?
Only posting a photo because I’m reading a lot about people having issues Doing so
The state of Kansas has 15 years+ of documents of success and is something that, until now hasn't been available to private stocking-as you already know. I hope we can get some of these out there in the hands of guys with just this issue. We have 3 control ponds within 30 miles of me that we have been working for 2 years, the 3rd pond is 3/4acre and gets the first stocking in about a week here with 8" SAE. The 2 ac pond has shown progress on growth rates of ave size sampled (BG) and the best thing is there are no LMB..All SMB in that one.