Originally Posted by FishinRod
I don't have any good pond news, but I did go out to the farm and start fertilizing trees today.

The fun part was that five separate flocks of Sandhill Cranes went over while I was working. They have such a strange call when they are flying, and I can always hear them before I can see them.

I have no idea why they call so much while flying at altitude, but they sure do make a joyous racket! smile

They make a ton of noise on the ground too, and you have absolutely no idea just how loud they are until you are sleeping with the bedroom windows open and they start in only about 50 feet from the house. I have a pair that nests within 300 yds or so from the house. I think a coyote got the colt last year. It was with Mom & Dad and was probably close to 24" tall then it wasn't with them any more.