
The skin probably wouldn't come off like it does with catfish. I have used the method with BH & CC. Have never tried it with BG or crappie.

When I clean BG and crappie in the round for pan frying, I do employ a variation of the concept. After scaling, I will cut on the dorsal side through the backbone. Then just pull the head off. The guts come off with the head. No cutting through the guts that way.

With trout, I don't scale. I will open the gut from the anus to about halfway to the gills. Then cut from the dorsal side through the back bone and then just pull off the head. Like BG and crappie, the guts stay with the head.

I will mention that I return the heads and guts to the pond either by fishing with them or just throwing them back. When I fish with them, I will catch 2 or 3 LMB for every CC I catch.