I hope they don't have oak wilt in Texas. I know it is a major concern in Michigan. We have special precautions in place for moving oak firewood and for when (and when not!) to trim any oak branches or cut any oak especially red oak.

Once the fungus gets in the roots it spreads underground from tree to tree, pretty bad. It travels overland through a beetle that carries the fungus. To play it safe we really aren't supposed to make any cuts at all on a oak tree till it is cold enough to have no flying insects (Dec, Jan, Feb and maybe part of March)

In the state managed land they take your standard vibratory plow and go about 50 feet around the base of the oak trees and try to cut all the roots in a big circle and then do the same for all the adjacent trees that are affected to stop the underground spread. In some places they use excavators to dig trenches between sick and healthy trees to try to stop the spread.

If you do have to take an affected oak wilt tree down then they have to chip it, bring firewood to a spot where it can be covered completely down to the ground level and sealed so bugs can't get into the cut logs (this is how folks transport it to a new spot by transporting firewood), and then the stump has to be ground out immediately. If a stump has to remain it has to be painted with tree sealer paint as do the cut end of the logs.