Hello and welcome to PB Forum. A new pond has proven over and over that the first crop of fish stocking will grow and produce the best fishery for the life span of the pond. This is because the first stocking of fish has no competition and these fish usually grow the fastest and biggest due to having the most available foods with out competition except for siblings. Thus each fish gets more food. Our mentor the Pond Boss Lusk always says every day a fish does not fill its belly is a day it does not grow.

Your current plan is: ""Thinking of doing SMB,YP, and BG(res and/or hyb)." Other members here with SMB and BG (sunfish) will hopefully add helpful comments to this thread.

As you do more forum homework on this topic (google search pond boss forum and your topic or use PB Forum Search) you will read that SMB do not do very well with BG and most other panfish because SMB are not evolutionarily developed to have a main diet of can-lid shaped sunfish. They will eat them but not really thrive on them. Thus SMB have proven numerous times with forum members here to not do a good job of controlling recruitment of BG. The common sunfish suggested for northern ponds is is the pumpkinseed(PS) or RES because they have a less common problem of overpopulating and they both eat snails. IMO you are on the FAR northern range for RES and especially RES from southern producers such as those from AK where about all farm purchased RES are sourced. PS are basically only available from other ponds and lakes for pond owners in MI. IMO your only chance for RES real success in MI is to collect your broodstock from lakes in MI where RES have been stocked,... become winter adapted, and thrive. I have recently been involved in identifying what lakes in Southern MI have thriving populations of RES. Maybe I can re-find that information that I gave another MI new pond owner?

Here is a taste of PB threads about SMB spawning and a little BG info.

For your reference there is a fish farm in central Ohio that has specklebelly sunfish which is a hybrid of BGXRES. He is currently raising them indoors on pellets. Supposedly these grow fast and big and have very limited egg hatch and recruitment. search this forum for some limited info about specklebelly sunfish

Based on your MI location and if it were my pond and my heart was set on SMB I would FIRST stock various minnows, YP and SMB. Laggis (Gobles MI) has excellent stock for pellet raised YP. He also has very good SMB. Actually most of Laggis' YP come from an Ohio producer. Maybe use papershell crayfish as added good forage food and to help with FA control if enough rock habitat is available. My articles about growing YP in ponds, and my lengthy YP experience says YP will grow large (12"-15" some to 16") in ponds and be ever bit as good of a panfish in northern ponds as BG or any sunfish. IMO kids will enjoy catching big, always wiling to bite, YP as much or better than catching BG.

Then after living with YP as the main panfish and / or anytime later you need something "more" you can always add some sort of sunfish (BG-HBG) and or LMB. However if you first stock the sunfish, you will not be able to rid the pond of BG or sunfish or LMB once added, The YP-SMB fishery pond will always fairly quickly decline once Sunfish(BG) - LMB are added. YP and SMB are not strong competitors with BG types and - LMB.

If you actually drive into OH for fish and you do not tell them your pond location nor your address most farms will probably sell you fish. Give them a fake address.
What you do with the fish is your business and liability. You can always say they are food fish to be grown indoors - aquaponics.