+1 to what Snipe said regarding each lake should have its own management/harvest plan. In the end, for this plan Oklahoma has to increase trophy LMB production to work, someone has to harvest the little LMB. Not sure this is going to happen anyway. Meathunters tend to focus on catfish, crappie, and bream.

As for all the fish bunching at just below the length limit. Yep. I remember my Dad's disgust after tripping to Canton Lake and catch and releasing the great majority of the WE he caught which he claimed were 17.75 inches ... just under the 18" legal limit. He was stopped from fishing three times by GWs and when he had fish they measured each one. I have never understood statewide length limits and I never will. I like water that is managed for a purpose.

Oh and slots? These were invented to remedy the effect of years of minimum length limits on lakes. Even so, a day on the water is always a blast. My father used to say, "You can't please everyone all the time" So maybe its OK to just enjoy the water with all its faults?