Originally Posted by Billy Bates
Originally Posted by Sunil
Originally Posted by Billy Bates
So you’re advocating for cheaper, lower nutritional feed as an overall better option? Am I understanding you correctly ?

At the end of the day, BB, feed whatever feed you want, or don't feed if you don't want.

As I will and have always done. Just making sure I’m understanding the ascertion correctly.

Sometimes, people try and get too detailed about things are are absolutely NOT absolute. So the point of any 'studies' that indicate something in one body of water is only fractionally applicable to a different body of water.

Take the simple advice of people who have fed multiple types of feed in multiple ponds and you'll be fine. Feed differences are incremental, and the fish, and ourselves may not be around (for any variety of reasons) to 'experience' orders of magnitude of improvement or decline.