Originally Posted by catscratch
The vegetation growing in my pond consumes everything shallower than 8ft. I didn't think it would be good to put the structures in the weeds so that's why I've picked the depth I have... it's the shallowest I can put them without having them covered. Should I consider putting them in the weeds?

I would consider a few in the weeds. Bass are ambush predators. Consider a tube suppressing the weeds under its footprint. A LMB could lurk in the tube and ambush any forage fish that ventures forth from the nearby weed beds.

Maybe even "spill" some of your rubble in front of either end of the tube. That might create a little more open water to throw a lure and the LMB could also ambush crayfish out of the rubble.

Another option to consider is to experiment. Place a few this year in different habitat scenarios. Determine which are the best fish enhancements and then repeat those scenarios next year with your remaining tubes.

P.S. Your life insurance agent accidentally left a message at my work number today. Something about needing all of your premiums paid up in full before installation work begins on the concrete tubes?