We had one gator we had to get removed. We actually liked seeing it it but a couple neighbors have dogs and were scared it would eventually snag one. We've never been kept up all night by a barking gator so we are a bit biased on which one should have been removed.


The Softshells have sharp teeth but everything outside their mouths are pretty harmless.


Last year we started getting a few damaged turtles with missing legs and eventually figured out we had a snapping turtle in the pond. We weren't positive thst it was her but I trapped and relocated her to be safe and all the incidents went away. Sadly we lost a few of our big females before the issue was resolved.
We called her Lillith and found her weakness to be strawberries. I baited her with every nasty concoction in the book and she never responded to anything until we set out a handfull of fresh strawberries.


We get lots of other visitors as well and the cameras make sure we never miss a good thing.
