Just a shout out to the nearly indestructible GSF.
This morning while my wife and I were sitting, reading, in our living room, we heard a rattle noise coming from the garage. The dogs were at our feet; the cat was asleep on a bed.

Pati came back from checking the tinny sound with nothing to report other than "It sounds like it's coming from over by the pellet stove." About 20 or even 30 minutes later I walked back to the garage to feed the aquarium denizens some Optimal.

Yikes! There in the steel can that sits atop the pellet stove where I keep some mealworms, lay a desiccated green sunfish, coated with mealworm dust, barely able to flag a fin for help, and hardly able to move its body. It had that look in its eye that only green sunfish can give.

When I dropped him back into the aquarium, he sank to the gravel and amazingly started to move mouth and gills for that precious oxygen. Later in the day I found him hiding in corner, upright but unable to equalize his position in the water column.

This evening he was able to circle up and around, and return to his corner. A moment ago I dropped some more Optimal into the tank. Over he came for several pellets!

You absolutely must respect and appreciate the utter tenacity of the glorious green sunfish. If only our PondBoss Green Sunfish Society were still active. Where are JHAP and all the rest of us cyanellus lovers when pondsters malign the dignity of this remarkable fish?

DD1, I know you'll agree.

It is really no surprise that GSF persist in tiny mud puddles.