The pond has been there since the early 1950s or so (not on 1930s map, but is on the 1955 map). It seems to have a slightly shallow area where the 2 properties meet, but really its all one pond. The natural spring is on our land, but they owned that land just to the south for many years before we purchased last Dec. Our half (or so) is crazy over grown with trees, vines of all sorts and scrub. They have cleared the edged around their pond. Our half has large clumps of saw grass, they they just a small section of saw grass. So, they have done something with it. And I've seen cows drinking from it at times, but not all the time. There is a good fence between us and them, so I'm not worried about cows coming north onto our property. But I don't want to do a bunch of work and then have them do something that completely wonks it all out. I'd rather already have a good relationship going before something goes wrong. Our properties back up to each other, but the fronts are a good 5 to 10 minute drive to get around from one to the other. And, *covid*, so I thought a letter might go over better than me marching up to their door to say hi.