Johnny - When in the FL panhandle try to catch some yellow perch. Use several as stockers; these ones should tolerate your SE Texas summers. Google YP in FL and it will tell you where YP are in a lake in the panhandle. Or google state record Yellow perch in Florida. I added my comments to your first post instead of making mine a new distracting post so readers could see and read your part of the post first as an active post.

Okay here you go: in Florida, these fish (YP) only exist in limited populations in the Apalachicola River watershed and are mostly unknown to anglers throughout the rest of the state. FL state record 1.47lbs 2005 Dead Lake, Gulf County FL.

Here is a survey list of fish you might catch in the Apalachicola River system in the panhandle of FL. The authors thought the YP probably came from YP stockings in Georgia and the perch migrated downstream south to Florida. Anglers catch YP occasionally.